The video should say enough in Newt Gingrich’s defense. If it doesn’t, I put articles to go to read also. This whole bash Newt Gingrich thing is getting ridiculous and out of hand. One state win does not make anyone the presidential nominee for Republicans. It still anyone’s game. Get over It.
Reagan’s Young Lieutenant
Nancy Reagan 1995- Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt
Mark Levin blasts Christie for parroting old left-wing ethics propaganda against Newt
Romney’s claims about Newt’s ethics charge are false and misleading
Nancy Reagan- Ronnie Turned the Torch Over to Newt Gingrich (Video)
What Really Happened in the Gingrich Ethics Case-
Nancy Reagan Newt Gingrich- Extraordinary Men Women of 104th Congress … Newt Gingrich
Is It Time Yet For The Tea Party To Form A Third Party-
The Real Story Of The Gingrich Ethics Complaints
Video Of Newt Bashing Reagan Is Bogus
Newt Supporters Aren't Swayed
Coordinated Avalanche Against Newt Doesn't Match My Memory of Reagan Years
Voters See Gingrich Fighting for an Ideal and Romney Fighting to Get Elected
And We Should Hate Newt Gingrich for This-