When Obedience isn't
Blogger Impersonated in Ugly Comments on Israel and Newt Gingrich
GDS Humor
Coulter Flip-Flop Flashback- Romney Will Lose – Video
Drudge “Off The Hook” in War on Gingrich-
A Brass Age-
Romney Is NOT A Conservative!
Useless “Dirt”
The Food Stamp President
Double and Triple Taxing
Denying The Truth
SHOCK & MAUL – Mittwits & Republican Elites BOMB Newt
Daily Read – January 26
Disease Has No Power! [Thursday, January 26, 2012]
Obama Admin Issuing Two New “Green” Energy Loans, “Creates” 103 Jobs At A Cost Of $257 Million…
Video- Jesse Jackson Admits Gingrich’s Food Stamps Comments Are Not Racist…
MSNBC Shrill Lib Rachel Maddow On America- “The City On The Hill Never Shines”…
Saudi Cleric- It Is Forbidden To Pray To Allah For Steve Jobs To Go To Paradise…
MSNBC Host Claims Ronald Reagan “Would Be A Democrat” Today…
Wishing Gabby Giffords all the best
Soros- Yes, I Am One Of Lenin’s Useful Idiots…
The CBC’s Propaganda War
Ontario dismisses entire board of air ambulance service
We Owe Them That Much
What did you mean when you said the devil should defecate on your daughters graves-
George Soros Admits He’s One Of Lenin’s Useful Idiots; Says There’s No Difference Between Obama And Romney (Video)
Issa says Holder should apologize to Mexico for Fast and Furious
Obama eligibility hearing to be broadcast live
Warren Buffett's Secretary Likely Makes Between $200,000 And $500,000/Year
Fox News Drifting Leftward-
Obama's State Of The Union- The Hollow Man Speaks
Obama Dismantles American Power Abroad
Divergent Paths—The Vision of Our Founders vs. the Plan of Marx
Rep. Walsh Schools National Park Service Director About Occupy DC
We’re Winning The Debate & The Greens Don’t Like It
President Barack Obama’s approval rating back to its all-time low among blacks
Obama goes to Arizona- Has angry words with Gov. Jan Brewer
Congress Doesn’t Want to Give Up Its Insider Trading Privileges
Arizona House Speaker to ‘Put Some Light on Fast and Furious’
Rosie’s Failing Talk Show To Be Revamped
Liberal Watchdog- Hollywood Uses ‘Dirty Money’ To Purchase SOPA Votes
Map-makers admit Greenland gaffe
Pic Of The Day
Busted Myth Of The Day
‘The madness of the clergy’
Just what we need in the West…more “strict Muslims”
‘Daytona woman, 64, holds suspect in yard at gunpoint
Australia Day
Government contemplating open-ended plan to combat child abuse that could be changed without legislature
Waltz at the Brandenburg Gate
Newt Slams Far Left Heckler at Florida Stop – Quotes Lincoln (Video)
Jan Brewer on Obama Confrontation- “He’s Very Thin Skinned” (Video)
TAKEDOWN ON THE TARMAC!… Brewer Blasts Barack in AZ (VIDEO!)
If taxing the rich is so important to President Obama
Barack Milhous Obama
Sources- NC Gov. Bev Perdue won't seek second term
Political veterans discuss the musical minefield of political campaigns
The Drudge War on Newt
Gingrich Sorta Calls For Amnesty For Some Illegals
Obama Promises Jobs to Americans While Outsourcing Them to Brazil
Romney Should Not Throw Stones When Living in Glass House
Obama Lied- Buffet and His Secretary Pay the Same Tax Rate
Taking A Stab At Self-Defense
They bring fire and pestilence upon scumbags
26 January 1945-
Wow, Just Wow- Read This!
Florida, Mitt Romney’s Alamo [Reader Post]
Pelosi- It’s Just My “Instinct” That Tells Me Newt Won’t Be President…
Pearls of Wisdom
Romney Adviser Norm Coleman- ObamaCare Will NOT Be Repealed in Total
DOJ Official Who Took the 5th Resigning – Issa Goes After Another…
Mike Reagan, Rush Limbaugh Blast Romney