Thursday, January 26, 2012

Infected By Feminism


Infected by feminism by Lucia Maria over at New Zealand Conservative


Yesterday I was attacked by occasional commenter, Medusa, who told me to get off my arse and get a real job, the implication being that staying home to raise my children is not worth my time and they turn out just fine if a woman works full-time. In fact she went further and implied her children would turn out better than mine because she worked while they were growing up! Anyway, Medusa's comment was incredibly catty and I responded in kind, but, it reminded me of this post that I wanted to write. Namely that feminism has influenced very deeply how most people see women in society and what little value is given to motherhood.


Marxism early on recognised the bourgeoisie mother at home as a real obstacle in achieving a socialist society and so worked on making all women think that they would be far more valuable working than staying home raising their children and looking after their families. In other words, becoming a generator of income rather than a raiser and teacher of children. This way, the woman would be separated from her children and less able to influence them in order to pass on conservative family values and religion.


Several decades on from when working outside the home was mostly a choice, and something women did only because of necessity; now families rely on that second income, making the mother at home somewhat of an anachronism. What is wrong with a woman who stays home, people think. Well ... nothing actually. In a society where the absurd has become normalised, nothing at all. 


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