Saturday, January 28, 2012

Abrams Lied About Newt Gingrich


Jeffrey Lord- Elliott Abrams Lied About Newt Gingrich by Mark over at Mark America


In what can only be called a stunning, face-slapping rebuttal, Jeffrey Lord has discovered that Elliott Abrams’ story about Gingrich’s alleged criticism of President Reagan were not only erroneously characterized, but almost certainly indicates it was an intentional hit-piece by Abrams, that Abrams must have known was dishonest. It points out the problem going on with much of Romney’s campaign of destruction aimed at Gingrich, and it points out how thoroughly damaging such a thing can be when amplified almost infinitely by the roaring link-fest of the Drudge Report. Abrams’ hit-piece stayed up on Drudge for more than twenty-four hours, and there will be no rebuttal. The only way the truth will be distributed at this point is for you, the public, to undertake this chore. 


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