The Mask is Off
Last Thursday will be remembered as the day the Republican establishment unveiled its true face. We know they've just been inside the beltway too long. We expect their informed opinion to tilt in whatever direction keeps them on the cocktail circuit. That's why many of us don't pay a whole lot of attention to them. But to bring out John McCain and Bob Dole to give us advice on picking presidential candidates and have who we thought were "our" pundits treat it as gospel? Next they will tell us ObamaCare is not so bad. Oh wait, they're already priming that pump.
Let's face it, Reagan was an aberration. Before and since, can anyone truthfully say that the party has gone to the mat for conservative, TEA party values? Or has it been just lip service? Why is it always that when we seem to be inside the twenty on an issue that matters, such as cutting the size of government and holding it accountable, we can never score? Newt tried somewhat in the nineties, but was stabbed in the back by his own party. What happened when the Republicans had both houses and the presidency? What happened to the House of Representatives the TEA party put in office in 2010? Excuses. There always has been and there always will be excuses.