The Jungle
The Jungle; it was an expose of the meatpacking industry circa 1905. Sinclair stated that he wrote it to stimulate sympathy for immigrants, instead it started the demand for food safety that lead to the Pure Food and Drug Act. There should be better way to obtain this result but, we haven’t found it, instead we’ve trusted our government with poor results. Has anything changed? Yes, food is at least somewhat safer now. Interestingly, one of the drivers in the packing industry for better quality control has been, wait for it: McDonald’s and Wendy’s, they won’t accept mediocre quality or contaminated hamburger.
This afternoon I came across a report from Human Rights Watch entitled Blood, Sweat, and Fear. And yes I know, most of us consider Human Rights Watch a leftist organization, which it is. But when you are right, you’re right. In this case they’re right.
If you haven’t noticed I live in a town that is dominated by a Tyson Meat plant and I have many friends and neighbors that work or have worked there. That includes me, by the way. This town is also a Hispanic majority town, with Thais, and Somalians represented. I’ll tell you why as we go along. Incidentally, these studies are not new, I just happened to run across them. In my opinion, things have gotten worse.