Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 30, 2012


  1. Democrat Front Group Launches Anti-Rubio Campaign- “Rubio Has To Decide If He’s A Latino Or A Tea Partino”…

  2. Indiana secretary of state's voter fraud trial starts

  3. The World Without America

  4. White House Refuses To Condemn Occupy Oakland Riots, Flag Burning…

  5. Screw You! I am Outta Here G.O.P. [Reader Post]

  6. Movie dumps 'black genocide' in Jesse Jackson's lap

  7. Proof! Voters smarter than media, Washington elite

  8. Full-of-Pelosi

  9. Facts won't matter

  10. Newt and the Truth Factor

  11. Al Sharpton and Sheila Jackson Lee Translate Racial Code

  12. Boneheads Of The Day

  13. Florida vs. Soros

  14. Voting for Faith, Reason, and Heart

  15. The target is Obama!

  16. Tired of paying for a cell phone- Go on welfare and get an 'Obama Phone'

  17. Executive Order

  18. Occupy Slams National Prayer Breakfast for ‘1 Percent’; Will Lead ‘People’s Prayer Breakfast’ in Protest

  19. Romney Cut Only 603 Govt. Jobs in MA, While His Predecessor Cut 7,700

  20. Obama Administration Offers $75,000 Grants to Sign Up More Food Stamp Recipients

  21. Facebook Post Of The Day

  22. WALL STREET INSIDER-  Preparing for War

  23. Obama Campaign Cash Declines

  24. The disaster relief racket-

  25. Does YouTube Follow Sharia Law-

  26. “Get the Hell Out of the United States of America”

  27. Erich Von Holder is either a liar or utterly incompetent

  28. The world is an incredibly shallow place

  29. New RNC Ad Blasts Obama and Debbie Downer on Florida Economy (Video)

  30. First in the Nation… OVER 100,000 Turn Out For St. Louis Iraq War Heroes Parade (Video)

  31. Insider Advantage… Newt Surging – FL Race ‘Tighter Than Expected’

  32. Oakland Mayor Quan Rethinks Support For #Occupiers After They Break into City Hall

  33. Capitalism Haters Hitting the Streets in June

  34. Paul Ryan- Senate Democrats Haven’t Passed a Budget in 1005 Days

  35. Mr. L’s Tavern- Of Brokered Conventions and the Establishment

  36. While We Watched Florida- Hint of Holder’s Fully Complicity Comes to Light

  37. Sarah Palin

  38. Romney Stumps Like a Lib & Why The Nomination Process Needs To Go On

  39. Understanding the dynamics of a 'crime of honour'

  40. Michelle Obama Spent 50K On Lingerie-

  41. Shoah mostly consists of interviews with those who claim to be Holocaust-survivors, exploring the alleged killing of European Jews in Nazi Death Camps

  42. Occupy Leader Says OWS “Clearly” Has A Race Problem…

  43. DOJ Documents Show Holder’s Deputy Chief of Staff Knew Weapon That Killed Border Agent Came From Fast and Furious

  44. Mooch Scolds Jay Leno- Eat Your Vegetables…

  45. Draw Me Deeper Lord  [Monday, January 30, 2012]

  46. Bummer- Extreme Hurricanes Much More Prevalent When CO2 Was Much Lower

  47. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  48. NO RINOS!

  49. Unions – It’s About Power NOT The Worker

  50. Daily Read – January 30

  51. Atheists Use Video of Burning Churches to Promote Event

  52. NYPD Succumbs to Complaint from Terrorist Group

  53. About Last Night

  54. Rep. Allen West

  55. Nevada GOP to release caucus results via Twitter

  56. Brokaw, NBC Threaten Legal Action Against Romney Camp For Using Clip In Ad

  57. From Nebraska to Poland and Back, the Hard Way

  58. Fairness - The Essence Of Marx

  59. Are We About To See The Death Of The Global Warming Scam-

  60. Sixteen AGW Heretics - No Need To Panic About Global Warming

  61. 6.3 earthquake shakes Peru but no injuries or damage reported

  62. Obama And His Cronies Want Everyone To Be Tolerant Except For Them

  63. Certain Signs of Societal Decline

  64. CATHOLIC BISHOPS Slam Obama’s Assault on Religious Freedom

  65. Must See TV… Police Tase Barefoot #Occupy DC Goon in Pajamas (Video)

  66. What’s To Be Done-

  67. Someone Call Boba Fett

  68. SEIU Confirms Democrat-Socialist Marxist Connection

  69. SEIU Thanks Democratic Socialists of America For “Fighting To Bring Economic And Social Justice”

  70. Florida GOP Tries to Write Out Allen West

  71. What the Establishment Wants

  72. Sound Bites- Palin and Cain Back Newt; Republican Establishment Rips Newt -- Meanwhile, Democrats Want Romney

  73. Lies About Me Don't Make Me Mad

  74. Will The Establishment Follow It’s Own Urgings-

  75. John McCain- Sarah Palin Doesn’t Know Newt Like I Know Newt (Video)

  76. Philly Thugs Attack Taxi, Pull Passenger Out on the Street & Pummel Him Because He’s White

  77. Santorum Op-Ed Rips Obama For Pandering To Radical Islam…

  78. #Occupy Protester Strangles Parents – Stuffs Their Bodies in the Back of the PT Cruiser

  79. Allen West at the Revolution

  80. No, Newt did not endorse the Obamacare mandate

  81. Florida- It Isn’t Over

  82. Rush Slams Romney's Brokaw Ad- It's False

  83. Rush- GOP Establishment Tries to Erase Tea Party

  84. Gingrich Wins Tea Party Patriots Straw Poll in Florida

  85. Insider Advantage Poll- Gingrich Surging, Race 'Tighter Than Expected'