Rats in the Kitchen- A Parable
Hell Has A New Occupant- North Korea’s Kim Jong Ill Dead…
'Young general' seen poised to take over dynasty
America’s Awful Rowing Toward God
UK Political Infiltration by Islam is Well Advanced
Anderson Cooper 'promotes' Obama eligibility question
Wukan- We’re with you!
It’s Pretty Sad When the Chi-Coms Will Wish You “Merry Christmas” But the American Left Won’t
Horror! Egyptian Beat Female Protester Drag Her Half-Naked Through the Street (Video)
Did Pelosi Commit Blackmail-
Tea Party- Only with Courage Will We Defeat the Giants
Holder's 'State-of-Mind' Defense Wasn't Adequate for Scooter Libby
Neuter Obama
The Hitman Cometh- America to be 'War Zone'
Ron Paul Warns Martial Law Being Established in USA
PAPER- GOP will take off gloves if Paul wins IA
Blocked- McConnell uses parliamentary move to block Obama recess appointments
Occupy activists stake camp at Obama office
Rep Judy Chu (D-CA) Praises Attorney General Eric Holder, Ignores L.A. Voter Fraud
Pic Of The Day
How’s that “Arab Spring” thing working out-
Women wonderful, men mean
Thousands Rally to Save Nativity Scene
Thousands Rally to Save Nativity Scene
Just what Ahmadinejad always wanted!
John Key’s Socialist Mindset Revealed
Mary’s Pregnancy Test and The Double Standards of Secular Progressives
Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen
U.S. Car Buyers Laundering Money to Hezbollah
Where are the films exposing the suffering under Islamofascism-
Reviewing the past year in Prophecy
Gingrich wins Tea Party Patriots straw poll
Time for another Draft Hillary argument-
NRSC wishes Ben Nelson a happy 2nd anniversary of the Cornhusker Kickback
Issa- Four more Friends of Angelo in Congress
House Republicans to Reject Payroll Tax Compromise?
Will We Be Drug into the Bushes[Again]-
As Islamists Take Control Of Egypt, Where Is Bill Kristol-
Chiquita boycott catching on
Let's Turn Belgium into an Islamist State
Surrey RCMP Jumps The Diversity Shark..Christ Out - Sun Child In
Peace Through Jihad
The Cat in the manger
Über-RINO Dick Lugar- House Republicans Should Cave On Tax Bill For The Good Of The Country…
House Democrats Unleash Gollum On Republicans Up For Reelection…
Mooch Arrives In Hawaii, Promptly Disappears…
Yikes! Bawney Fwank’s Man-Boobs Make An Appearance On The House Floor…
NAACP Opposes Congressional Bill To Ban Race-Based Abortions…
Jeb Bush's Brilliant Defense of Capitalism
UK Daily Mail Profiles Average Obama Voter
Actress Confronts Sean Penn Over His Support for Chavez- ‘You Are a Communist A--Hole!’
GOP House Freshman- ‘Harry Reid Is Holding The Jobs Agenda Hostage, It’s Time To Grow Up
The Protestor as Person of the Year; It’s His Ideology, Stupid
New Mexicans Love Nation’s First Latina Governor
Gay Conservatives in Goldwater Country-
Why do leaders like Havel not win more accolades--
West- Holder's race card is the 'last card in the deck'
Grassley staff- Holder the 'only one' playing race card
NC Gov. Perdue's staffers create data-sharing scandal
Issa picks his day for Holder- Jan. 24, 2012