Chuck Schumer's brother in law offered federal judgeship
Subpoena Judges- Yes, Indeed
Newt and the Judges
Three Ugly Truths Exposed by the Tebow Assault
Why the Republicans need to pick Gingrich, despite his past failings
Ron Paul Under Fire for Praising Accused Traitor
The 2012 Check List for America’s Survival
Twas the Night Before Liberal Christmas 2011
TSA plans expansion......screenings aren't just for airports anymore
New Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich Video Ads
Insanity- TSA agent confiscates a red velvet cupcake at the LV International Airport
Priceless- LA Times claims Gov. Jerry Brown's biggest achievement is he didn't screw things up worst
Americans Deserve the Best- Top Ten Republican Candidates for President in a Brokered Convention
Europe is dying
The cubby house of doom!
The academic enablers of Maori child abuse-
Censorship and propaganda in Norwegian schools
Understanding the Implacable Enemy Within the West
Christmas Goodies for the kids
Heart of Darkness
Sarah Palin Movie “Game Change”- More Hollywood Liberal Garbage
Selling Conservatism
Don’t Abandon Conservative Message, Sell it Better
Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler Allowed on Wisconsin Recall Petitions if Address Checks Out
Hateful Black Muslim Racist Who Harassed Gateway Pundit & Sent Pig’s Foot to Rep. King Is Shot Dead By Atlanta Police
Howard U Student Pushes #Occupy Movement as Way to Improve Economy (Video)
Former Aide- Ron Paul Is “Most Certainly Anti-Israel” and wishes “Israel Did Not Exist.”
Fox News host- 'TSA ripped off my Fox News logo'
Acid Attack- I decided that if she can’t be mine, she cannot be anyone else’s as well.”
Turkey To Try Online Blasphemy Case Based On European Human Rights Court Precedent
Syracuse University Human Rights Blog Touts Sharia Law
Attack Watch- Baby Sticks Fingers In Obama's Mouth - Lives!
Ezra Levant & Tarek Fatah- Is the War On Christmas Really A War On Christianity-
Toronto District School Board encourages child abuse- Playgroup for gender independent children
Federal Judge Sides With La Raza, Orders Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Stop Enforcing Immigration
Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Morality Police Arrest Man For Casting Magic Spell On Girl He Was Dating…
Ron Paul- “I Wouldn’t Have Risked American Lives” To End The Holocaust…
Obama Justice Department Investigating Michigan Town For “Religious Discrimination” After They Denied A Permit To Build Islamic School
The Virginia Mess and the Establishment’s Gambit
It’s Official- Obama Reelection Campaign Will Highlight his ‘Defense of the Middle Class’
Contain Yourselves, Ladies
Further Proof Of The Obama Polling Bias
Could Ron Paul win Iowa-
Ras Robinson on Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us