Isn’t it amazing how others judge you on rather you are a conservative or not? Especially, if you like a candidate, Newt Gingrich as a example.
Am I No Longer Fit to Be a Conservative- by Steve McCann
I have often thought of myself as a staunch conservative. However, over the past five weeks I have come to realize, thanks to a solid majority of the conservative chattering class and their vitriol against Newt Gingrich, that I am, per Glenn Beck, a "closet Progressive"; per Ann Coulter, "not a real conservative"; per George Will, "a Marxist"; and per National Review, and numerous other so-called conservative publications, "unfit to represent the conservative movement."
With so many people obviously smarter than I sitting in judgment, I must confess that, based on their criteria, they are right. But who is the epitome of the movement?
In the 1980s, I was an owner of a consulting company that numbered among its clients an evil pharmaceutical company, SmithKline. But that wasn't the worst of it. We also had a contract with the Resolution Trust Corporation. The RTC was a government entity set up to consolidate and liquidate the assets of nearly a thousand failed Savings and Loans. We had as one of our principals a recently retired assistant IRS commissioner who not only had a wealth of knowledge, but knew the contracting officers at the RTC. Yes, I admit that we used his expertise and connections to obtain the contract.