Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Agree With Lloyd Marcus About Herman Cain


I agree with Lloyd Marcus that Herman Cain got a rotten deal with the main stream media. Cain endured rectal vetting not required even of our current president. As a matter of fact, the American people still know very little about Obama. Why aren’t the media giving Obama rectal examine?  Yeah, I know i hear crickets too.


Well, any way, Lloyd Marcus tells his feelings about Herman Cain thing in his article “Herman Cain: A Final Word” on the American Thinker website. Read what he has to say and see if you don’t agree with Lloyd Marcus.


Herman Cain- A Final Word


I would not blame Herman Cain if he said, Lloyd, I know you mean well, brother. However, the relentless vitriolic media attacks against me have finally subsided since I dropped out of the presidential race. My family and I are finally having some peace. So why on earth would you bring up my name again?


\Well, in a nutshell, I just did not like the way the whole "Cain thing" went down. Also, we live in a fast-paced news cycle, "carelessly nuke a person's life and in two days everyone has moved on," disposable world. Herman Cain's courageous bid to serve his country deserves more than "Cain...wasn't he the black dude sex fanatic who ran for president as a Republican?"


OK, Cain is gone, and we conservatives must focus on selecting our candidate to defeat Obama in 2012. I got it. But it breaks my heart, seeing what happened to this "good man." Cain was attacked from both sides of the aisle. A few conservative pundits even accused Cain of not seriously seeking the Oval Office, but instead simply seeking self-promotion.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/12/herman_cain_a_final_word.html#ixzz1he1Xd8vp