What is So Darn Scary About Christmas-
A Patriot Christmas
Ronald Reagan's 1981 Christmas Address
Deadly Virus
Good Will Toward Men
Get used to it, this is the future-
‘Geheimstaatspolizei in Tennessee’-
There are criminals–and there are fireproof criminals
Merry Christmas!
Christmas weirdity
Christmas Eve fare - - Number of Christians in UK is down 10% in just five years
Why it needs to be anyone but Romney
Merry Christmas 2011 – “Fear Not… For Thou Hast Found Favor With God”
Arab Spring… Egyptian Islamists Win Two-Thirds of Second Round Votes
Obama Defense Department Will Now Allow Muslim Students to Wear Headscarves and Turban
Figures. Liberal Court Will Allow Pick Ax Mining in Montana But Only If You Feed Your Mules With Weed-Free Hay
Merry Christmas from a Jewish GayPatriot
Of Maggie & Movies
Israeli PM Netanyahu Wishes Christians a Merry Christmas
Occupy Denver Starts Fires
The 2012 Betrayal of Conservatives(Updatedx2)
Virginia Shocker- Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum Not Qualified(Updatedx2)
RINO Sen. Dick Lugar Whines About Tea Party Trying To Reclaim GOP’s Conservative Principles…
Report- Israeli Warplanes Bombed Convoy of Vehicles In Sudan…
Occupy Wall Street Leaders Promise “Asymmetrical Warfare Strategies” Bringing Us “One Step Closer To Revolution” In 2012
Los Angeles Considering Lawsuit Against Occupy LA Protesters To Recoup Millions In Costs…
Mooch- I Get “To Travel To See The World”…
Christmas With the Baldwins
#Occupy Eugene Protester Choked and Beaten to Death at Camp – #Occupy Death Toll at 9
FOX News Panelist Charles Lane- Ron Paul Has Same Foreign Policy as Jeremiah Wright
THOUSANDS Rally in Athens, Texas to Save Nativity Scene
The Glory Will Return
Tom Brokaw- Don't count out Chris Christie in 2012 [VIDEO]
A Christmas redistricting present for the NJ GOP