Chicago Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead
Tebow and the Left's Religious Bigotry
The lies of those elected
Local Cops Ready for War With DHS-Funded Military Weapons
New Rick Perry Video AD- Newsreel
U.S. joins triple digit “debt to GDP” club
For the person who has everything, Occupy Wall Street- the Lego Set (video)
Video- Rep. Steny Hoyer Gets His Panties in a Bunch
Holder to collect $335M from Bank of America for racism
Tehran and Obama’s Reelection
BREAKING- Confessions of Perjury Inside DOJ
What is there left to say-
Liberal disconnect
There is nothing more that needs to be said
Barrel Roll
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year And See You In 2012
Wave of Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 60 in Baghdad Following Withdrawal of US Troops
Sheriff Joe Arpaio- ICE Is Refusing to Take Illegal Immigrants From Maricopa County
Scientists Say Shroud of Turin Created By Ultraviolet Lasers – A Technology Not Available Prior to The 20th Century
Matt Damon Rips Obama – Says He’d Prefer a “One-Term President With Some Balls”
So, DC has nation biggest increase in population growth--
Co-opting Republican issue, Obama experiences slight rebound
As political season heats up, Politico's Web traffic cools down
Chaffetz on Holder- If he can't handle criticism, 'time to get another job'
TheDC Morning- Merry Christmas, Attorney General Eric Holder
TheDC's Jamie Weinstein- Ron Paul and the Nazi Century
Conn. GOP Senate candidates denounce Holder's race card, call for resignation
RNC chairman promises to make Fast and Furious a 2012 election theme
Mark Levin Tweets Disdain for Romney
Shockingly A University Professor Disagrees With Stephen Harper's Remarks On Kim Jong-il's Death
“The hour (of judgment) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them
The People of Shambala- New Web Site Covering The Persecution Of Minorities Under Islamic Regime
Arab Spring Update- Moderate Muslim Brotherhood Members recite genocidal hadith at conference
Mooch Insisted On $4 Million Trip To Hawaii When Barack Wanted Local Vacation…
Taliban Claims Dead Bodies Of Its Fighters “Do Not Decay, Give Off a Pleasant Fragrance”…
Federal Judge Rules In Obama’s Favor, Strikes Down Key Provisions In South Carolina Immigration
Occupiers Bringing Their Own Float To Rose Parade Protest- Michael Moore…
New Saudi Textbooks Teaching Students How To Cut Off Hands And Feet of Thieves, Genocide Against Jews
European Court Rules American-Based Airlines Will Be Forced To Participate In EU’s Cap-And-Trade
Gingrich Defends Activist Judge Comments- ‘Why Do the American People Have to Tolerate an Anti-religious Bigot?’
BREAKING- Senate Investigation Into Obama Fast and Furious Scandal Announced
McCain Wants Senate Hearing on Fast and Furious
Arizona Sheriff Implicates Obama White House In Fast and Furious Cover-Up
Scarborough- 'Strain of anti- Semitism' at Paul events [VIDEO]
21 Year-Old Man Wakes From Coma Before Doctors Take Organs (Video)
Four NY Democrats Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud
Meeting GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger
….And What About North Dakota-
What’s the Matter with Kansas-
HAPPY HOLIDAYS- USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000!