Friday, December 23, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 22, 2011


  1. Chicago Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead

  2. Tebow and the Left's Religious Bigotry

  3. The lies of those elected

  4. Local Cops Ready for War With DHS-Funded Military Weapons

  5. New Rick Perry Video AD- Newsreel

  6. U.S. joins triple digit “debt to GDP” club

  7. For the person who has everything, Occupy Wall Street- the Lego Set (video)

  8. Video- Rep. Steny Hoyer Gets His Panties in a Bunch 

  9. Holder to collect $335M from Bank of America for racism

  10. Tehran and Obama’s Reelection

  11. BREAKING- Confessions of Perjury Inside DOJ

  12. WHAAAT--

  13. What is there left to say-

  14. Liberal disconnect

  15. There is nothing more that needs to be said

  16. Barrel Roll

  17. Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year And See You In 2012

  18. Wave of Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 60 in Baghdad Following Withdrawal of US Troops

  19. Sheriff Joe Arpaio- ICE Is Refusing to Take Illegal Immigrants From Maricopa County

  20. Scientists Say Shroud of Turin Created By Ultraviolet Lasers – A Technology Not Available Prior to The 20th Century

  21. Matt Damon Rips Obama – Says He’d Prefer a “One-Term President With Some Balls”

  22. So, DC has nation biggest increase in population growth--

  23. Co-opting Republican issue, Obama experiences slight rebound

  24. As political season heats up, Politico's Web traffic cools down

  25. Chaffetz on Holder- If he can't handle criticism, 'time to get another job'

  26. TheDC Morning- Merry Christmas, Attorney General Eric Holder

  27. TheDC's Jamie Weinstein- Ron Paul and the Nazi Century

  28. Conn. GOP Senate candidates denounce Holder's race card, call for resignation

  29. RNC chairman promises to make Fast and Furious a 2012 election theme

  30. Mark Levin Tweets Disdain for Romney

  31. Shockingly A University Professor Disagrees With Stephen Harper's Remarks On Kim Jong-il's Death

  32. “The hour (of judgment) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them

  33. The People of Shambala- New Web Site Covering The Persecution Of Minorities Under Islamic Regime

  34. Arab Spring Update- Moderate Muslim Brotherhood Members recite genocidal hadith at conference

  35. Mooch Insisted On $4 Million Trip To Hawaii When Barack Wanted Local Vacation…

  36. Taliban Claims Dead Bodies Of Its Fighters “Do Not Decay, Give Off a Pleasant Fragrance”…

  37. Federal Judge Rules In Obama’s Favor, Strikes Down Key Provisions In South Carolina Immigration

  38. Occupiers Bringing Their Own Float To Rose Parade Protest- Michael Moore…

  39. New Saudi Textbooks Teaching Students How To Cut Off Hands And Feet of Thieves, Genocide Against Jews

  40. European Court Rules American-Based Airlines Will Be Forced To Participate In EU’s Cap-And-Trade

  41. Gingrich Defends Activist Judge Comments- ‘Why Do the American People Have to Tolerate an Anti-religious Bigot?

  42. BREAKING-  Senate Investigation Into Obama Fast and Furious Scandal Announced

  43. McCain Wants Senate Hearing on Fast and Furious

  44. Arizona Sheriff Implicates Obama White House In Fast and Furious Cover-Up

  45. Scarborough- 'Strain of anti- Semitism' at Paul events [VIDEO]

  46. 21 Year-Old Man Wakes From Coma Before Doctors Take Organs (Video)

  47. Four NY Democrats Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud

  48. Meeting GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger

  49. ….And What About North Dakota-

  50. What’s the Matter with Kansas-

  51. HAPPY HOLIDAYS- USA DEBT NOW $15,123,841,000,000!