Democrats tell Lie of the Year
Israel- Some Basic Facts
The US Department of INJustice
One Thing to Know About ‘Fast and Furious’
Ron Paul is dangerous
Running the USA into the Ground
How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?
Tea Party raises fear of UN at Ocean County freeholder meeting
Mitt Romney- No you can not see my tax returns
Sad- U.N. Holds Minute of Silence For Mass Murderer Kim Jong Il
Top Ten Democrats Who Would Be Better Presidential Candidates Than Barack Obama in 2012
Work-Related Of The Day
Christmas -- Amidst Despair, Great Hope
she asked for it
What is there left to say-
Star of Bethlehem
Another milestone in the cultural suicide of the west
Russia Pushes Restart Button… Test Fires Two New Nuke Missiles
Occupy Oakland Goons Discuss Using Violence to “Tear Down” the System (Video)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Deputies Turn in Federal Credentials As Attacks Continue
Obama’s Drunk Illegal Alien Uncle Plans to Blame Cop For His Arrest
Grassley & King Meet With Walter Reed Officials to Discuss Bible Ban at Military Hospital
NEW WINE BEING POURED OUT from ElaineTavolacci
Congressman to Holder- You want to talk about race- Let's
Congressmen save Christmas!