I thought as a change of pace I would write about one of the ghost of the United States presidents, Abraham Lincoln, haunting the White House.
It has been told most of the haunting from Lincoln's ghost were during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Perhaps, it was because they both were in power at of great war for the United States.
The Lincoln bedroom was used by Eleanor Roosevelt has a study during Franklin Roosevelt's 13 year occupancy. Eleanor never claimed to have seen Lincoln's ghost but has spoken of feeling being watched. She believed it was Lincoln.
The young clerk during the Roosevelt occupancy of the White House claimed to have seen Lincoln's ghost sitting on a bed, taking off his boots.
While spending the night the White House during the presidency of Roosevelt, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands found herself awakened by a rap on the bedroom door. She got up and answer the door. She was confronted Lincoln's ghost staring at her from a hallway.
Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, and Harry Truman reported hearing unexplained knocking on their bedroom doors but didn't explain why they thought it was Lincoln.
It has been well known Lincoln anguished over the horrors of the Civil War. His spirit may have continued to be anguishing even after his death. President Coolidge's wife spoke on several occasions as seeing the spirit of Lincoln standing with his hands clasped behind his back at a window in the oval office. He was staring out over the Potomac River in the direction of battlefields.
This is one of my favorite sightings that has to do with Winston Churchill. During one of Winston Churchill's visits to the United States during WWII, he got of the bath, went into the adjoining bedroom. Churchill was startled to see Abraham Lincoln spending at the fireplace in the room, leaning on the mantle. Churchill blinked then said 'Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage." Lincoln smiled and disappeared.