Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Criminal Scandals Still On The Loose Of The Day (12-19-2011)


1)  Issa needs not just impeach this dude for “Operation Fast And Furious” but take away his race card. Eric Holder is overdrawn on his race card.


  1. USAG Eric Holder Reminds ‘Nation of Cowards’ of Their Flaws

  2. Eric Holder Plays the Race Card

  3. The Ethics of Eric Holder

  4. Holder's 'State-of-Mind' Defense Wasn't Adequate for Scooter Libby

  5. Want Answers About Fast and Furious? You're a Racist

2)  This is the same Governor that said congressional elections should be suspended until legislators decide on a long-term budget and deficit plan. Now it appears that Governor Perdue and her staff have some secret insider-trading of government data and has attempted to manipulate for political advantage.


Governor Beverly Perdue


  1. NC Gov. Perdue’s staffers create data-sharing scandal