Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Dog Named Barack Holder



This an amusing article about a dog named Barack Holder.


Barack Holder


I was out early this morning. Dogs need walking as they occasionally do or they do what they do where you want NO do-do. As we sauntered along, me sniffing back terminally frozen sinuses and he sniffing every other dog’s claim to territorial ascendency since the dawn of time, I saw my buddy Charlie walking his AKC Registered mutt: Barack Holder.


I swear this is the bloody dog’s name.


The dog was acquired because Charlie developed a hearing problem mainly because his 4 (four) children (all under the age of twelve) have alternately screamed, balled, cried and whined about how they’d: walk it, train it, feed it and love it if they could only PLEASE, OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE DADDY CAN WE HAVE A DOG!!!!!!


So I asked how that worked out. “You see who’s walking him don’t you?” Then he muttered something about a horse’s backside and was nearly jerked off of his feet as Bronto-Mutt lunged to inspect a steaming pile of fresh dog poop. As we walked along with fits and starts I asked him about the name.


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