In 1966, in Vietnam, a captain kept a letter. He'll soon meet the boy who wrote it
Salute Her While She Sinks
Obama Gave Top Secret Drone To Iran- Refused To Send in Recovery Team or Destroy
Napolitano Jokes Over 'Big Sis' Moniker
9/11 security for airliner ruckus
The Untouchables
Obama's Not Changing His Spots
Fast and Furious Victims' Voices Live On Through Their Families
Newt- A Menace to Society-
There's Nothing Funny about Democrats
GOP elites, the base, and the GOP brand
The Real Ugly American
CBS News Poll- Majority of Americans Want Obama To Get The Hell Out
Hypocrisy- Democrats Move to Ban Occupy Protests at DNC Convention
David Brooks to Obama- 'Why don't you do something more centrist-'
What does Obama have planned for his second term-
Rick Perry jumps the shark
Someone other than Disney suing James Cameron over “Avatar”
Islamists Chuck Bricks at Demonstrators Holding Silent Protest for Tolerance
Breaking- Islamic Terrorist Groups Plot Attacks on US From Mexico & Latin America (Video)
Hooray!… Police Bring in Dump Trucks & Mop Up #Occupy Boston Garbage (Video)
Despite Warnings From Pentagon – Obama Gave US Drone to Iranians (Video)
Pic Of The Day
Bonehead Of The Day
AttackWatch Shut Down Already-
CBS poll- 54% say Obama doesn’t deserve re-election
‘We don’t have any real policing in Camden. They’re just out here to pick up the bodies’- Inside
While Obama and Pelosi Are The Two-Headed Snake, This Snake Has A Lot Of Offsprings
The NAACP Should Change Its Name to NAASCFH
The New Zealand Herald wades into the depths of depravity
Fiddling while Rome Burns
The Protected Class-
Rush Limbaugh- Obama is a Marxist, Attacking America
“They had a hatchet and I had nothing”
Critics Accuse Sen. Dick Durbin of Favoring Pork Project Over Religious Commission
Why Does a Process That ‘Cooks’ Cancer Cells Have Glenn Beck So Excited-
#Occupy Raleigh Protester Shoots Up Food Store… Injures 3 People… Then Shoots Himself
Another cause for occupiers to occupy next spring