Sunday, December 11, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 10, 2011


  1. In 1966, in Vietnam, a captain kept a letter. He'll soon meet the boy who wrote it

  2. Salute Her While She Sinks

  3. Obama Gave Top Secret Drone To Iran- Refused To Send in Recovery Team or Destroy

  4. Napolitano Jokes Over 'Big Sis' Moniker


  6. 9/11 security for airliner ruckus

  7. The Untouchables


  9. Obama's Not Changing His Spots

  10. Fast and Furious Victims' Voices Live On Through Their Families

  11. Newt- A Menace to Society-

  12. There's Nothing Funny about Democrats

  13. GOP elites, the base, and the GOP brand

  14. The Real Ugly American

  15. CBS News Poll-  Majority of Americans Want Obama To Get The Hell Out

  16. Hypocrisy- Democrats Move to Ban Occupy Protests at DNC Convention

  17. David Brooks to Obama- 'Why don't you do something more centrist-'

  18. What does Obama have planned for his second term-

  19. Rick Perry jumps the shark

  20. Someone other than Disney suing James Cameron over “Avatar”

  21. Islamists Chuck Bricks at Demonstrators Holding Silent Protest for Tolerance

  22. Breaking- Islamic Terrorist Groups Plot Attacks on US From Mexico & Latin America (Video)

  23. Hooray!… Police Bring in Dump Trucks & Mop Up #Occupy Boston Garbage (Video)

  24. Despite Warnings From Pentagon – Obama Gave US Drone to Iranians (Video)

  25. Pic Of The Day

  26. Bonehead Of The Day

  27. AttackWatch Shut Down Already-

  28. CBS poll- 54% say Obama doesn’t deserve re-election

  29. ‘We don’t have any real policing in Camden. They’re just out here to pick up the bodies’- Inside

  30. While Obama and Pelosi Are The Two-Headed Snake, This Snake Has A Lot Of Offsprings

  31. The NAACP Should Change Its Name to NAASCFH

  32. The New Zealand Herald wades into the depths of depravity

  33. Fiddling while Rome Burns

  34. The Protected Class-

  35. ‘Outrage’

  36. Rush Limbaugh- Obama is a Marxist, Attacking America

  37. “They had a hatchet and I had nothing”

  38. Critics Accuse Sen. Dick Durbin of Favoring Pork Project Over Religious Commission

  39. Why Does a Process That ‘Cooks’ Cancer Cells Have Glenn Beck So Excited-

  40. #Occupy Raleigh Protester Shoots Up Food Store… Injures 3 People… Then Shoots Himself

  41. Another cause for occupiers to occupy next spring