Friday, December 9, 2011

An Article That Hits Home


    This article was in the Canada Free Press. It asked the following questions. How traitorous is the US military High Command these days?  Are most of them quislings?  It is no secret that many of our bravest and best fighting men and women have left the service in frustration and disgust. What have they left behind? Who have they left behind?  Bureaucratic paper pushers, or something more sinister and dangerous? What kind of patriot warriors are our military academies turning out these days? Who is running the show?   What sort of show is it?

    • Pentagon: After refusing to honor their oath to defend the Constitution; choosing to ignore America in extremis, and turning their backs on Lady Liberty as she is scuttled, the least they can do is salute her while she sinks


    Salute Her While She Sinks

    Written by Jim ONeill

“College professors have felt the heat of this repressive new order; researchers and scientists have encountered its ire; ministers have found themselves muzzled; teachers have been intimidated; employees have lost their jobs; even parents have been told that they cannot exercise their rights. Queer has become something to fear, and gay is beginning to rule the day.” —Dr. Michael L. Brown “A Queer Thing Happened to America” (from the chapter “Big Brother is Watching, and He Really is Gay”) Link


I started to write an article about the banning of Bibles at the Walter Reed (“Wally World”) military hospital the other day, but I was concerned that it would end up sounding like an off-the-leash rant by the late comedian Sam Kinison. Although righteous anger is certainly apropos given the nature of the insult, clear-eyed resolve will be more effective in the long run. (Note: the “old” Walter Reed has moved shop, and is now known as Walter Reed at Bethesda). Link

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