Saturday, December 17, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On December 16, 2011


  1. AP Poll- Majority of Americans Want Obama Voted Out of Office…

  2. Christopher Hitchens Is Dead

  3. RIP- Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

  4. Christopher Hitchens Sui Generis

  5. Issa on Justice Department- 'I've called for a house cleaning'

  6. Federal Judge: Iran Shares Responsibility For 9/11 terror attacks

  7. Blogger who broke stories on Climate Gate2 has computers seized by police

  8. Justice Dept- AZ Sheriff violated federal law

  9. Joe Arpaio Fights Back- 'Don't use me as whipping boy'

  10. JANET'S REVENGE- Homeland Security limits ties

  11. Are you part of ‘the political establishment’? (Open Thread)

  12. Is Ron Paul a Conservative-


  14. High school athletes suspended for Tebowing

  15. Even Al Jazeera asks- 'How did we get here‘

  16. The Department of Labor vs. America's Farm Kids

  17. What's wrong with this picture-

  18. NY Times goes to war against all Jewish settlers

  19. Freedom Lost

  20. ‘Disappearing’ dissenters in Obama’s new Amerika

  21. Terry family wants criminal charges against officials responsible for Fast and Furious

  22. Fast and Furious debuts in debate, Santorum joins calls for Holder's resignation

  23. Paul- Holder should be 'fired,' criminally charged for Fast and Furious

  24. London Police put Occupy Movement on terrorist list

  25. Police include Occupy movement on ‘terror’ list

  26. Finally: Fast and Furious Comes up as GOP Debate Topic

  27. Calling out the black-robed tyrants and traitors

  28. ‘Holder Unveils Voter Fraud Program

  29. NZ Herald Writer Says Journalists Lack Skepticism

  30. They Wonder Why She Was Jeered-

  31. Should women wear bikinis

  32. Girls if you want a Prince Charming you really do need to be a princess

  33. What attracts attention and what doesn't

  34. Christmas Stuck-In-Yo-Head Of The Day

  35. Netanyahu To The NY Times: Go Pound Sand…

  36. UN-Backed Report- Pakistani Taliban Fighters Cut Breasts Off Woman Seen Breastfeeding, Ask Other Women To Eat The Pieces

  37. Iowa Radio Host Nails Tingles- “You’re Clearly Working for the Re-Election of Barack Obama”…

  38. Gallup- Gingrich Leads Romney By 20 Points Among Conservatives, Romney Leads Gingrich By 10 Among Liberals And Moderates

  39. Linda Gibbons- In Canada we jail peaceful grandmothers and lionize “occupiers” who destroy public property

  40. Al-Shabarb Hall Just Fainted! Poll Reveals Canadians Have A Dim View Of Islam!

  41. Glenn Beck Interviewed Rep. Allen West on ‘Indefinite Detention Bill’ Stance

  42. Big Fraud- Eric Holder Is in Denial

  43. ‘Super Tense Moment’ Occurs When Jon Corzine Is Served Papers During His Hearing Recess

  44. New Poll- A Plurality of Democrats Think ‘Big Government’ is More of a Threat Than ‘Big Business

  45. $5 billion gone faster than you can say, “ERRP”

  46. Support for Obamacare hits new low

  47. Congress Reverses Light Bulb Ban… NOT

  48. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer urges colleagues to pass trillion dollar spending bill no one has read

  49. DNC sends out race-baiting fundraising letter

  50. Leo Gerard – The Most Powerful Man In Obama’s America?

  51. Victory II- Democrats Cave on Keystone in Payroll Tax Cut Deal

  52. Adam Carolla: Emerging Defender of the Meritocracy

  53. U.S. Gov't- Freddie, Fannie ... Fraud

  54. Groups Want Apology for Rep. West's Nazi Reference

  55. Why They're All Out for Newt

  56. Dana Perino- Rush Gives GOP Spine

  57. Ron Paul Puts on the Tinfoil Hat

  58. The Sandusky Hygiene Defense

  59. Romney on Abortion- Flip-Flop or Genuine Change of Mind-

  60. The Best Debate Yet

  61. Who’s the Fairest GOP Candidate in the Land-

  62. Gingrich campaign works to translate Hispanic ties into votes

  63. Why We Need the Gingrich-Obama Debates

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