Fed Up Moments
I am fed up with Tynan Elementary School in South Boston. Students are no longer allowed to physically defend themselves otherwise they may be accused of "sexual harassment" and their families investigated by the Department of Children and Families. 1) First grade boy accused of sexual harassment for fighting off a bully on the bus, 2) First-grader accused of sexual harassment
Hallelujah Moments:
Republicans say HHS discriminates against Catholic Church. Issa, House GOPers say HHS discriminated against Catholic Church
Hurray for Rep. Michael Turner for push an investigation into what he considers Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s “conflicts of interest” during and after the government bailout of General Motors. Congressman wants probe of Geithner's GM bailout 'conflicts of interest'
High five to the House Ethics Committee for investigating Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. House Ethics Committee will continue investigation into Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
A thumbs up to Representative Luis Gutierrez for saying “And, I think that mistakes should be looked at, evaluated and ultimately, those that are responsible — but I don’t think we’re there yet. I don’t have all of the answers. I don’t have all of the information. I would hope that those that have already rushed to judgment, which I don’t want to do, with the Attorney General — He’s going to come and testify, I’m going to listen to that testimony.”
Democratic congressman- If Holder knew of Fast and Furious, he ‘should leave’
“Meatheads” Of The Week
1) Janeane Garofalo
2) Barack Obama
Barack Obama to Jewish Donors- “I Try Not to Pat Myself on the Back” But I’ve Done More For Israel Security Than Any Other President
Obama- Limited Gov't That Preserves Free Markets 'Doesn't Work. It Has Never Worked'
Obama’s New Campaign Slogan- “Change is. . .”
White House- Obama Will Try And Emulate Teddy Roosevelt or Something…
Obama, the affirmative action President
White House denies reports Obama knew of ‘Fast and Furious’ in 2010
Obama- Why do these darned Republicans want to raise taxes on the middle class
GBTV Video- Is Obama the Most ‘Anti-Israel’ President in History-
Business Insider- ‘Obama Is About to Give a Huge Class Warfare Speech’
Horrible!… Obama Flat Out Lies About GOP Vote Last Week (Video)
Obama Fights for Jewish Support Amid GOP Criticism
Huh-… Obama Urges US Lawmakers to Go Soft on Iran
3) Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
4) Van Jones
Van Jones Calls on Occupiers to Block Major Ports
Former Obama Czar Van Jones Calls On Occupiers To Block Major Ports…
5) Press Secretary Jay Carney
Carney Calls GOP Tax Plans “Gorilla Dust”
WH Reporter Asks Carney About Bill Legalizing Bestiality In Military
PETA Rebukes White House for 'Flippantly' Dismissing Question on Senate's Vote to Legalize Bestiality in Military
6) Representative Donna Edwards
7) Representative Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi Plans on Releasing Dirt on Newt… “When the Time is Right”
Pelosi Hints at Airing Gingrich Ethics Past, Forced to Clarify
Pelosi Backtracks After Threat of House Ethics Investigation – Says Her Comments Were Misconstrued
Pelosi- Unemployment benefits should not be 'paid for' [VIDEO]
8) Alec Baldwin
AA fires back at 'extremely vocal customer'
Update- Alec Baldwin Tells His Side of the American Airlines Story, Apologizes to Fellow Travelers
Article about- Alec Baldwin- “Catholic 50s gym teacher” flight attendant singled me out or something
Alec Baldwin just can’t stop