Beat Back Barack
This is another good article to read from the American Thinker. You will have to go to the link below to read the rest.
There has been much talk lately about the need for the Republican presidential nominee to move to the center. This is a mistake. The only way to beat Barack Obama is to oppose him rigorously, relentlessly, and without remorse.
This election needs a fiscal, foreign policy, and economic conservative. The man to defeat Obama must present the nation a clear choice between further socialism under Obama's control or prosperity through economic freedom, but that's not all; he will need to show the world who Barack Obama is.
Americans may be inattentive, or even self-involved, but we are not idiots. Anyone can see the almost three years of failed Obama governance and know that the meme which the legacy media is trying to sell is a lie. Obama is not just a failure; he is a spectacular failure -- and it's not George Bush's fault, or that of an obstructionist Congress