Monday, January 23, 2012

The War On Gingrich Begins


Brace Yourselves for the War on Gingrich by Mark over at Mark America

As I mentioned earlier, it’s going to be Hell on Earth if the people of Florida choose Newt Gingrich. The GOP insiders hate him, because they consider him a loose canon, and a man who frequently leaves their reservation. The whiff I’m getting seems to waft in from beneath the shrubs, if you know what I mean. It’s going to be a bloodbath because the party elites simply cannot tolerate a person they do not firmly hold in control, particularly when that person has never been one of their own. After all, you must remember who it was that engineered the ouster of Gingrich, and it wasn’t Democrats. The Democrats were only too happy to go along, and play their role, but the people who engineered his ouster were Republicans.

The party establishment will regale you with the tale of Republican electoral woe that is Newt Gingrich, because, they will tell you, he’s got all these “goofy big ideas,” and “you never know what Newt will say next,” but even more than this, there is something else: Gingrich has not so many friends in media. There are many burned bridges, and the entire media establishment, left and right, is gunning for him.


They know that they will have difficulty finding an inside track into a Gingrich administration, and that there will be a restriction of access to insider information. This is a serious threat to the media, because it will put Gingrich in the position of deciding which media outlets he will deal with.


Of course, you’re going to hear that Newt is a big government guy, and it is true and honest to say he has had his flirtations with the statist reflexes I abhor, but he also has a record that is at least plausibly anti-establishment, and it’s important to note that he did push hard for government spending cuts that led to a political defeat at the hands of media-connected and favored Bill Clinton. It’s true that he previously supported some bad ideas, but at least he has reformed and admitted that he’s learned.


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