Thursday, January 5, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 4, 2012


  1. Libyan Rebel Commander Was Flotilla Terrorist

  2. Crime Without Punishment

  3. The Birthers Went Down to Georgia

  4. Walker recall effort may be stalling

  5. Iowa Should Not Matter

  6. Dem party affiliation slipping

  7. Bachmann drops out of race

  8. Rick Perry stays in

  9. Are Democrats Your Friends-

  10. Birthers Hail Judge's Decision That Could 'Depose' Obama

  11. BREAKING on Fast and Furious- Holder to Appear Before Issa’s Committee on Feb. 2

  12. Holder’s Assistant Leaves Justice Department

  13. Rick Santorum- Iowa's Conservative Choice

  14. Bonehead Judge Of The Day

  15. Originality-Challenged Hollywood Opts For MORE Remakes

  16. Email Of The Day

  17. Bonehead Of The Day

  18. BREAKING-  Eric Holder to Face Congressional Hearing Investigation Next Month

  19. « Hmmmm…Eric Holder Assistant Abruptly Resigns From DOJ

  20. Undo the NDAA!

  21. Remember the shark interbreeding horsecrap-

  22. Tyranny Under Cover of the Precautionary Principle

  23. Well, that ship has sailed

  24. Mislaid ballots give Romney 8 vote win over Santorum in Iowa

  25. Breaking News- Georgia Court Agrees To Hear Case Challenging Obama’s Eligibility

  26. A Quiet Start to 2012

  27. Mitt Romney Not Natural Born Citizen-

  28. Rush Limbaugh- “I Hope Perry Stays In”

  29. Santorum Under the Microscope- Social Conservative & Big Government Statist

  30. Bachmann Suspends Campaign – Vows to Defeat Obama’s “Agenda of Socialism”

  31. Parting Thoughts on Michele Bachmann

  32. GOP would be wise to understand nature of Ron Paul’s appeal

  33. Santorum’s critique of conservatives echoes Obama’s

  34. God is NOT a schizophrenic Part Two

  35. Only On Rabble- You can't say Blind Spot anymore

  36. Malaysian Muslims Balk At Additions To Mosque Decor

  37. Iowa Dems Not Exactly Fired Up To Listen To Obama- “There Was No Cheering, Chanting or Clapping”

  38. Mantra- Santorum is a Big Government Conservative

  39. Two Men with Knives vs. 18 Year Old Single Mom with Shotgun- Guess Who Won…

  40. Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite

  41. Whoa! EU Agrees In Principle To Embargo Iranian Crude Oil

  42. Think Progress Recommends Sticking Climate Realists In A Soviet Gulag

  43. Ann on The Hawkey Cauc-eye

  44. Daily Read – January 4

  45. King Obama Takes Control – Breaks Rules On Recess Appointments… Just Because …Update: McConnell Issues Statement

  46. Shock report- Olbermann not getting along with new network

  47. Poor judgment all around

  48. OWS standing on Danny Chen’s body

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