Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Job-Killing President


The Job-Killing President by The Godfather over at Godfather Politics

Newt Gingrich called President Obama “the best food-stamp president in American history.” Of course, liberals saw this as a coded racial slur:


“I don’t think he is consciously whipping up bigotry, but he is no fool and this is going to be seen through a racial prism,” David Greenberg, an associate professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey, said in an interview. “It has to do with how these issues are framed and understood. It wouldn’t be hard for him to mute or disavow the racial component.”


Here are the statistics. About 34 percent of food-stamp recipients are white, 22 percent black, and 16 percent Hispanic. Being a food stamp president is not about race; it’s about creating an economic environment that makes it easy for some people to accept being dependant on the State.


What would get these groups off food stamps? Jobs! What would make them less dependent on the government? Jobs! What would dilute their die-hard affiliation with the Democrat Party? Jobs!


Read more: The Job-Killing President

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