Monday, January 9, 2012

We’re At A Tipping Point, Folks, And It Doesn’t Mean Parts The U.S. Going Into The Sea


Michael Oberndorf talks about how we are close to the Tipping Point of having our Constitution and our nation “go bye, bye”. Plus our nation turning further into a Socialist country.


Tipping Point

We reached a tipping point last weekend. The Fraud in the White House threw all pretense of adherence to the Constitution to the wind and made several blatantly illegal “recess” appointments of extreme leftists to positions of power within the government. Clearly, this was a move to avoid letting the Senate exercise its advise-and-consent authority over appointments. The thing is, Congress was not in recess, so the move was illegal.


It would seem, however, that we conservatives are not the only ones who have noticed how spinelessly co-operative Congress has become in foisting totalitarian socialism on America in the past few years. The Marxist/neo-fascists who run the Democrat Party and write the speeches and policy for the Sock Puppet in the White House, appear to be keenly aware of the compliancy of this worthless body. Confronted with the reality of a massive defeat at the polls in November – assuming, of course, that an honest election could actually take place (entiende “fat chance,” amigos?) – they have pulled out all the stops and are imposing their agenda on the country, the Constitution and federal laws be damned. The Reichstag has been burned.


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This article was found on Canada Free Press.

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