Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Title Of This Article Caught My Eye, Why The Left Fears You


The title of this article caught my eye because the left to me don’t seem to be much afraid of us. If the left were scared they would run like cowards or try to reform in my opinion. Of course, I have been known to be wrong so it was worth the read.


Why the Left Fears You by James Lewis.

Obama is a cuckoo's nestling, a little gift from the obsessively anti-American left, who has been dropped deceptively into our mainstream politics. Cuckoos are called "brood parasites" because they drop their eggs into strangers' nests, to leave the hard work of incubating and raising the young bird to a deceived mother bird. Deception happens all the time in the animal kingdom, like all the times my cat fakes me out by mewing at the door, only to stand there and sniff the air when I get up and open up for her. Cuckoos have deception built into their genes.


Obama is himself a grand deception. He used to look arrogant beyond belief, but now he's humble, wearing Jimmy Carter sweaters, sitting all alone in a baseball stadium munching a hot dog, and leaning back on his "family couch" next to Michelle, with the television cameras taking a narrow angle as if they're sitting crowded together in a double-wide trailer. (Like the rest of us).


The only trouble with Obama's phony humility is that narcissists like him rarely change. The Norwegians gave him a Nobel Peace Prize just for getting elected, but they should have given him an Academy Award. This is world-class conmanship. Behind the scenes he's more arrogant than ever.


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