Thursday, February 16, 2012

Impeach Them All


Impeach Them All by Monty Pelerin over at American Thinker

The US Government continues actions that will result in its own demise. That might seem fitting, except that its failure will seriously harm the citizenry.


Government decisions and actions have assured an economic collapse that will result in another depression. Federal debts and promises are too large to be honored, a conclusion based not on economics but on simple arithmetic.


The government collapse will likely trigger the economic collapse, although the order could be reversed. Arguably, we are already in a depression which has been disguised by juicing GDP via excessive government spending. This spending has been funded increased government debt in magnitudes never seen before. To put matters into perspective, by the end of President Obama's first four years, he will have added more to the federal debt than all 43 Presidents who preceded him.


The economic collapse, as a result of this borrowing and stimulus, will be terrifying and worse than it needed be. Whether it is preceded by hyperinflation or goes directly into a deflationary collapse is moot and immaterial regarding an ultimate depression. Resulting conditions will be worse than those experienced during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


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