We Are Not The Fascists
All the finger pointing liberal Democrats say that our right wing Republicans are fascists. Actually, our lefties are the fascists. They are more like Hitler, who centralized the government and made it all powerful under the guidance of his dictatorship.
Hitler was a big fan of nationalized banks, unions and National Health care. Sounds like a leftist to me. I guess left and right are the same thing although they are looked at differently by liberals who see communism as generous and fascism as heinous. I think Obama took pages out of fascism and communism and clipped them together in the same book binder.
Obama’s autocracy and centralized authority is the exact opposite of the American right wing. Obama’s idea of big government is Stalin-like or Hitlerian. America’s right wing is the opposite of communism and fascism. It uses the free exercise of capitalism.
The right wing and the moderate Republicans believe in decentralization and a small central government. The Tea Party is democracy in action. It is the opposite of Hitler.