Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It’s Time To Make The Republican Party “Elite” Go Away


I believe Tim Dunkin is right it is time for the Republican Elite to go away. They can stop trying to shove Mitt Romney down our throats. Let us choose who we want not them.


It’s Time to Make the Republican Party “Elite” Go Away by Tim Dunkin over at Canada Free Press


The assorted rabble of RINOs, insiders, and power-brokers who make up the self-styled GOP “elite” appear to be starting to panic. As it becomes less and less obvious that Mitt Romney is a sure thing to win the much-ballyhooed Michigan primary (which was once assumed to be a done deal for him), his handlers and other string-pullers within the Republican establishment seems to be looking for someone new, yet another establishment-style candidate who can be called upon to squash the incipient grassroots rebellion and retain the nomination firmly for a malleable, mushy-middle type with whom the country-club crowd can feel at ease, and for whom the conservative base of the Party will be stuck voting, against their wishes once again. Or so it would seem from this article appearing in Mediaite, citing an unnamed “top Republican Senator” saying that he will “publicly call for Jeb Bush” to step into the race and save the day for the RINOs should Romney flame out and lose Michigan to Rick Santorum’s resurgent campaign.


How very typical of them. Instead of simply accepting the choice of the actual primary voters, who have consistently rejected Romney (who has only won an outright majority in a single race so far, Mormon-heavy Nevada), whoever this might end up being, the establishment insiders are already weighing plans to circumvent the will of the Republican rank-and-file and anoint another insider replacement who has not received a single vote from a Republican primary voter this season, and who is viewed as repugnant by large swathes of this same voter base. Of course, the GOP “elite” has consistently and desperately done all in its power to avoid having a real conservative possibly win the nomination this year.


It is well-known that after 2008, Romney’s operatives played a large role in the demonization of Sarah Palin, working to defame and ridicule her to the point where she would be radioactive to the majority in a shallow, superficial electorate. The reason? Prevent her from being a serious rival for the nomination that Romney had been running for nonstop since 2006. In this, Romney’s people had the open and willing collusion of so-called “conservative” establishment types, folks more concerned about keeping the inner circle closed than in actually appealing to the unwashed masses of conservative voters, both inside and outside the Republican Party. And this year, so it went with other conservative candidates, who each in turn found themselves the target of vicious attack ads from insider-funded PACs, personal smears, lies and inventions, and all the rest of the arsenal of dirty, personal destruction politics as they rose to the top of heap and polled better than the establishment good-boy Mitt Romney. Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich – all received “the treatment.” They’ve tried to give it to Rick Santorum, but have been unsuccessful so far in making it really stick. 


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