Friday, February 24, 2012

Barack 'Bad Fruit' Obama Redefines Christianity


I agree with Jeannie DeAngelis about Obama’s Christianity. He has bad fruit.


Barack 'Bad Fruit' Obama Redefines Christianity by Jeannie DeAngelis over at American Thinker

Jesus told His followers that the way to recognize Christian brethren is by inspecting fruit. Jesus said, "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit." Thus, "by their fruit you will recognize them."


At the National Prayer Breakfast, partial "bitter clinger" Barack Obama, missing only a gun, tried to tell the crowd of 3,000 that he was a Scripture-quoting, Bible-toting Christian. Using the Word of God to justify the advancement of liberal policy, the president linked left-wing economic policy with obedience to Scripture and, by doing so, dared critics to disagree with God.


As the foundation of his faith, Obama referenced a key Scripture from Genesis wherein God asked Cain, after Cain killed his own brother, "Where is your brother Abel?" to which Cain replied, "I don't know, am I my brother's keeper?"


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