Wyoming Preparing For Disaster
Leave it to the good people of Wyoming to bring enough pressure to bear on their politicians that they have now actually begun to prepare for the worst crises that could arise, as they consider the condition of the Federal government, its debt, and the potential for civil unrest. They’re even considering what to do about their armed forces should the worst occur, and this landlocked state is now considering how they would acquire an aircraft carrier. That may seem just a little hard to swallow for some, but I think it speaks to the willingness of their legislature to prepare for the worst. I believe the measures are prudent, and if only we could get the politicians in Washington DC to see it their way, there might well be a chance we’d avoid at least any “man-caused disasters.” The sneering elites in Washington think this is high comedy, but for down-to-Earth Americans, not only in Wyoming, but elsewhere across the expanses of “fly-over country,” there is a keen awareness of how much trouble we’re facing.
In Washington DC, they have your money upon which to rely in order to continue their spending habits. Out in Wyoming and around the country, state and local governments have seen a general reduction in revenues. Property values are down, so property tax receipts are also reduced, and with so many homes in foreclosure, there’s been a corresponding rise in delinquency on property taxes owed. In Washington DC, they just print up another batch, and they don’t have to worry about the cash because they can always raise taxes, or borrow more. This is at the heart of the disconnect between the permanent ruling class in Washington DC that sees no emergency looming, but instead suspects it can make due on your back indefinitely.
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