Pray for this Christian pastor
Heroes Getting the Shaft…
Sarah Palin Demands Afghanistan Apologize for Slaughter of 2 US Soldiers
Opinion- Lin-led Knicks can be title threat, if
Note to GOP Candidates- It's ObamaCare, Stupid!
Another Saudi Christian in Big Trouble
Competitor of LightSquared run out of business by Obama administration
Global Warming Crowd Opposed in Virginia
Santorum Calls Out Obama’s Boss
New Poll- A 51% majority say Obama is too liberal
Newt Hammers CNN On Birth Control Question
Three US lawmakers sent threatening letters
GOP Debate- Newt Rekindles the Flame
Tonight’s #CNNDebate Winner- The Brokered Convention
Pic Of The Day
“healthy eater” sees the light-
God’s Greenies- Idiots, more like
‘The U.N. Threat to Internet Freedom’
5 4 3 2 1 - O U T R A G E
Feminist clowns
Phrase of the day
Hillary Clinton Praises Yemen’s Democratic Elections …(10 Dead & Only 1 Candidate)
3rd Anniversary St. Louis Tea Party and Training Conference This Weekend
Far Left Animal Rights Whackjob Paid Hitman to Murder Those Wearing Fur
Donald Trump- Obama Will Go to War With Iran Because He Thinks It’s Good Politics (Video)
CNN GOP Debate – Candidates Use One Word to Describe Self (Video)
Dead Silence… After Rick Santorum Defends Earmarks at CNN GOP Debate
Nominations for the Watchers’ Council
Ron Paul Won’t Touch Romney in Debate – Now We Know Why
The Influence of Cultural Conservatives in 2012
Wednesday’s Arizona Debate and Why Mitt Romney Lost
Al-Qaeda's Big Fat Iranian Wedding
Muslims Still Rioting, Still Bombing, Still Killing Mostly Each Other
Continental Airlines Sudden Jihad Syndrome Saudi Tried To Run Over Pedestrians Previous Day
Christie Again Hits Buffet- Dems Use Him As a Prop “Every Time They Want To Raise Taxes On The American People”
Second “Fast And Furious” Gun Linked To Murder Of ICE Agent Turns Up…
Rand Paul Says “It Would Be An Honor To Be Considered” As Romney’s VP…
Quote of the Day- “There is no male equivalent for abortion”
Democrats Celebrating Black History Month, Part 4 (2 Graphics)
Little by Little
Faith VS Feckless
I Agree With Rush!
Daily Read – February 23
Gingrich- Second Best Line of Debate- Stupid We Can’t Protect Border- Failure of Will Failure of Enforcement
WOMEN! Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat
Play Now Is Not A Happy Place Today
Oh Yeah
Still Hot After All These Years
And The Loser Is … The Media
Was CNN Influencing Debate On Obama’s Behalf-
Sound Bite of the Day- Jake Tapper Challenges Jay Carney On “Aggressive Journalism”
Our Country’s Father’s Advice on his Retirement
HBO Has A Wrap Sheet
Romney’s “hollow and dispiriting” win last night
“I have spiritual reasons to support Israel, but it goes beyond that”
Arizona Debate
Give Iran Exactly What They’re Ask For
Newt Gingrich in Coeur d' Alene tomorrow night
Support for Obama slips to 99.2% among black voters
The Rise and Fall of The United States of America
Could be-
Pics From The Front…
Quinnipiac Poll- Americans Want Supreme Court To Overturn Obamacare, 50%–39%, Want Arizona Immigration Law Upheld 61%-31%
Excuse Me?????
Newt Gingrich- Can’t Put a Gun Rack in a Volt – Or…Can You-
"Warmingistas" by Joe Bastardi!
Texas Defies Obama Administration, Bars Planned Parenthood And Other Abortion Providers From Medicaid
Are Mitt Romney and Ron Paul in Cahoots-
Alan Simpson Displays Utter Cluelessness About Democrat Campaign Tactics
Pennsylvania- Muslim Admits To Attacking Atheist – Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist
Rev. Franklin Graham: ‘I Cannot Support the President or Vote for Him’
What don’t you (or didn’t Obama) understand about killing a baby born alive-
The Tax Man Cometh
At long last, the John Edwards “sex tape suit” drama is over (hopefully)
Georgia gets $8.3 billion loan guarantee from federal government after Obama eligibility case dismissed
I don’t think 2012 will be our last election