1) Bob Parks is right why should we watch the Oscars of overpaid narcissists like Billy Crystal who publicly insulted us. By the way, Billy Crystal is a idiot.
Billy Crystal Calls GOP Candidates ‘Dark Knight, an American Psycho and a Charismatic Crack Addict
Shocker… Oscar Host Billy Crystal Bashes GOP Candidates- ‘A Dark Knight, an America
2) Hillary Clinton is another meathead. Does she really think the Muslims are going to listen to her when she says don’t pay attention to GOP campaign talk. It seems like the Muslims are looking for reasons to be insulted. Not to mention, they don’t like us. Hello!!!
Clinton to Muslims- Pay No Attention to GOP Campaign Talk
Hillary Clinton- “My Enthusiasm For Obama Is Getting A Little Out of Hand”…
Hillary and Durbin Accuse Republicans of Playing Politics with the War in Afghanistan
Ignore GOP Campaign Rhetoric
3) Why is Louis Farrakhan saying racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama. Is Louis Farrakhan looking for trouble? Or he saying stuff just to be saying stuff? Or is he imagining things? His talk is stupid unless he has actual info nobody knows about then he better be giving it to the Secret Service.
Farrakhan Says Racists May Assassinate Obama, 9/11 An Inside Job, Jews Are Evil During “Saviours’ Day” Speech…
La La Land-