I thought this article was a great read. I enjoy reading Jerry McConnell’s nostalgia to the thunderous change. It is worth the read.
The Honest Simplicity of Early Americans is Disappearing Through Rogue Liberals by Jerry McConnell over at Canada Free Press
I am basically a simple man born of simple parents with honest and simple, but patriotic ideals. I learned the Pledge of Allegiance to our national flag even before I was in the first grade; and even before the controversial, to some, words “under God” were added, of which I approved. I grew up in a community of like citizens all imbued with patriotic ideals.
My father was in the newspaper business, starting off as a young boy in the press publishing room known to all the adult men working there as simply, “Boy”; no one in the print room was called by their given names until they reached the level of at least ‘typesetter apprentice’ the first salaried level of employment in newspaper production.
Those whose duties were the same as my dad’s were known as “Gofer” as in “Hey Boy, go fer some fresh water for a drink” or go for some more lead bars for the type melting pot.” These young lads were paid at whatever spare change the salaried employees cared to throw in a hat for them out of the salaries they received on payday.
Said amounts given to those boys rarely reached a full dollar for a week’s labor; but the era I speak of was before the advent of the 20th century. Each employee accepted his meager earnings with a smile and a gracious ‘Thank You’. Dad went all through the ranks up to Editor, which was his reward for honest endeavor.