Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 28, 2012


  1. Exclusive Interview- Infidel Victim of Pennsylvania Sharia Judge Reveals Inside Details of Case

  2. Fakegate Opens a Door

  3. President Obama’s HHS Mandate Sparks Nationwide Demonstrations

  4. Demo Senators having IRS Harass Tea Party-

  5. President Obama promised to enhance whistle-blower laws, but is actually using the Espionage Act

  6. Is Mitt Romney Intentionally trying To Throw This Race-

  7. Occupy Protesters Assault Police Officers in Sacramento

  8. Hard Times for the National Education Association

  9. CONFIRMATION of Insider’s “Pump and Dump” Primary Warning

  10. Israelis reportedly don’t plan to notify US if decision made to strike Iran

  11. White House blames Bush for Afghanistan turmoil

  12. Former Jackson Lee Staffer Owes Back Taxes

  13. Republican governors- Obama is all talk, no action

  14. Farrakhan Says We “Hate” Obama

  15. War

  16. Headline- Cossacks to Guard Churches Against Pussy Riot

  17. Feminist clowns

  18. Cossacks to Guard Churches Against Pussy Riot

  19. Bill O’Reilly- There’s No Question That Obama Wants to Impose Secularism On Everybody

  20. The Factor Crashes the Oscar’s

  21. Pam Bondi Admits It- Romney Will Push Romneycare

  22. Daily Read – February 28

  23. The Ten Cent Martini

  24. Most Transparent Administration Ever Won’t Release Apology Letter to Hamid Karzai

  25. Taxpayer Money Pays General Dynamics to Scour Internets for Criticism of DHS Agencies

  26. Carney- Obama’s Apology Letter To Karzai Over Koran Burning “Not Appropriate” For Reporters To See

  27. Brian Lilley- Hamilton Race Pimps Target Hillbilly Heaven Owner's Son

  28. Idiot Teacher Explaining 4 Year Old's Gun Drawing Case Calls Teachers Co-Parents !

  29. Wisdom and Light

  30. Defining Deviancy Down at the Oscars

  31. Matt Kenseth Is En Fuego

  32. Caption Contest Winners

  33. Sea Lines of Communication

  34. Permalink to Pro-Life Super PAC Ad Raises Concerns About Mitt Romney’s Abortion Record

  35. Retire Richard Lugar, Elect Richard Mourdock

  36. The handwriting on the wall

  37. Making Our Military PC is Treason

  38. Michelle Obama – The Fat and the Furious…

  39. Months After They Were Caught Crapping in the Cathedral #Occupy St. Paul Protesters

  40. A Little Tutorial on Obamacare – Video

  41. Romney- “I Want to Maintain the Progressivity”

  42. An Unfounded Rumor In Tennessee

  43. The Porcelain Unicorn

  44. Fight To WIN!

  45. Mark Levin Apology to Troops- We Have a Loser for President – Damned Government is Disgusting

  46. Occupy Oakland Injure Two Police Officers In Attack on White Nationalist Group

  47. John Mark and Sandy Pool- Purchase Your Field for Kingdom Multiplication!

  48. Nasty Right Wingers give Bipartisan Support..shame on them

  49. Global warming headline of the year

  50. Burdensome EPA Challenged In Federal Court

  51. Turn off HBO on March 10- Turn on REELZ March 11 for The Undefeated premier

  52. The Artist, or the enjoyment of story-telling

  53. Is the GOP Elite Ready to Concede-

  54. Why Santorum Scares the Left

  55. Innocents Lost

  56. The Pastor Facing The Gallows

  57. Doing the right thing in America!

  58. Another RINO Bites The Dust- Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe Won’t Seek Reelection…

  59. The Lap Of Luxury

  60. What does law say about Obama's eligibility?

  61. City sends local blogger a cease and desist

  62. Jesse Jackson Claims Obama Deserves “Big Hand” for Being “Food Stamp President”- Project 21 Members Disagree

  63. AG Holder, the Failure of Fast & Furious is Your Responsibility

  64. Santorum and the Democrats.  Outrage!  Outrage, I Tell You!!

  65. Republican governors- Obama is all talk, no action

  66. McRINO- The GOP Primary Is “Like Watching A Greek Tragedy”…

  67. G-20 Warned of Risks of Financial Regs- Global Anger

  68. Your Entire House Delegation is Fired!

  69. Stacy McCain Goes to Hell and Back for the GOP Primaries, Rick Santorum, America, and Vanuatu

  70. Video- VFW Members Duct Tape Flag Burner to Pole

  71. Free Market Forces