Sunday, February 26, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 25, 2012


  1. The Honorable Clerk

  2. Scientists Behaving Badly

  3. How terrorists get 'punk'd'

  4. Janet Napolitano Claims Ignorance in Second Gun Link to ICE Agent's Murder

  5. If OWS has Lost San Francisco

  6. The Establishment’s Last Stand- Keep Obama

  7. Obama has already lost, and doesn’t even know it

  8. Clueless- Romney brags his wife drives a couple of Cadillacs (video)

  9. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria loses Hamas

  10. For a man who hates business so much, Obama sure has a huge online store

  11. Billy Crystal Eager to Pound GOP ‘Idiots’ on Oscar Night    fiery4

  12. More Stimulus Money Blowing in the Wind

  13. Sovereign Immunity

  14. ‘It’s Alien vs Predator’

  15. “‪My Apology to President Karzai on Behalf of Americans‬”

  16. Gingrich is right

  17. It’s a start….we hope

  18. Did you hear the one about the Atheist, the Muslim, the Zombie Muhammad and the Judge

  19. Question

  20. Two US Soldiers Shot Dead in Afghan Interior Ministry As Koran Protests Continue

  21. A Real Snoozer… Joe Biden Bores Them to Sleep at NC Speech (Video)

  22. Newt Gingrich- Obama’s Algae Energy Plan Is Like Something From a SNL Skit – It’s Weird

  23. Supermajority of Americans prefers spending cuts to tax hikes

  24. Two U.S. advisers killed by Westerner at Afghan Interior Ministry- officials

  25. Mark Steyn- The all-you-can-eat salad bar of rights

  26. Graves of British troops smashed and desecrated by Libyan Islamists in protest over U.S. soldier

  27. Imran Firasat- The issue of Islam always scares everyone. But someone has to speak out

  28. Communist indoctrination for your kids courtesy of the Toronto District School Board and your tax dollars

  29. In the matter of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, shoot everyone above the rank of major

  30. Ontario Dad arrested after daughter draws picture of gun

  31. Mo Strong &  Al Gore. What Could Possibly Go Wrong-

  32. Sudden Intervention

  33. Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Death Sentence-

  34. I am angry at THIS!!

  35. 'Stupid' and Oil Prices

  36. Holder Defends Efforts to Fight Financial Fraud   fiery4

  37. Err is human

  38. Let them eat cake

  39. Persecution On The Rise

  40. The Eagle & Star

  41. Daily Read – February 25

  42. Saddam’s Mustard Gas in Syria- Israel Warned Us – Iraq Warned Us

  43. Ann Coulter Randall Terry- Randall Terry Dem Campaign for President – Ann Coulter Campaign For Randall Terry

  44. New York Democrat Congresswoman Gets an Earful at Town Hall Meeting about Obama

  45. It Is Now Time To Retaliate

  46. Cartoon Round Up   laughthumb

  47. Change is Coming at

  48. Attention C4P Readers- We Need Your Help Tracking Down Governor Palin’s Emails

  49. Computer Problems..sheesh-(

  50. Wow!… Democrat Booed By Christian Constituents Over Obama’s Anti-Religious HHS Mandate

  51. Republicans Completely Dismantle Obama’s Bogus Gas Claims in Dueling Weekly Address

  52. Lesbians Charged With “Hate Crime” For Beating Up…. A Gay Guy

  53. You cannot come into your Destiny in God unless you come to HATE your Culture

  54. Float Out Your Dead

  55. Desperate Celebrities

  56. Recent Developments on the Costa Concordia Tragedy

  57. Marriage Debate- Decisive Issue in 2012-

  58. National Vote Needed ~ Spread the Word ~ Tell Your Representatives “Let’s settle this once for all”

  59. “Israel Apartheid Week” sickness returns

  60. Hate crimes laws go both ways

  61. This driver can see Greece from his Prius

  62. Koch Bros Respond to Obama’s Latest Anti-Koch Smears, Call it “An Abuse of the President’s Position”

  63. The reported death of Osama bin Laden by the Obama administration was a complete hoax

  64. How to identify a meth lab  laughthumb

  65. U.S. Postal Service Going Postal-

  66. Bring many forms and your stool

  67. Ha-ha!

  68. God, I Love My Ancestors’ Homeland!

  69. Ann Coulter calls us morons.

  70. Nuke the News- Could It Be… Satan!

  71. I Call BULLS&-T… She IS a Miserable Angry Black Woman…

  72. Obama's blasphemy

  73. Hillary Clinton Tells Muslims To “Not Pay Attention” To Republicans Comments On Islam, Instead Listen To What Obama Says…

  74. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Snubs White House Dinner Invite…

  75. Did The Romney Campaign Blow It By Kicking Stacy McCain Out-