The 20 Best NASCAR Drivers of All Time
Gary Sinise- An American Hero
Afghans taking potshots at Americans: two more US officers killed
Norman Finkelstein accidentally tells the truth about BDS
Election forecast- Michigan and Arizona
Debasing Our Military, One Politically Correct Moment After Another
Chart of the Day- Oil and Gas Production Declined on Federal Controlled Land Last Year
Video Of The Day
‘If not Putin, who-’
On Muslims as a protected species-
And so it starts
'What would happen with a scarf over my face?': Outrage of Fireman Sam creator detained and branded racist for innocent burqa joke at airport security
Pres. Obama and apologies
Death by bureaucracy
Is Liberalism a mental illness-
How leftist absurdities are forced upon us
Video Flashback- Obama and Democrats Blast Bush for High Gas Prices in 2008
Taliban Takes Credit For Killing 2 US Officials in Kabul – Shooter Still on the Loose
On women’s health and the Obamacare mandate
What I have against the season of Lent as practiced by some-
“The Recompense Begins!” (Henry J Falcone, 2012)
Burn A Koran In Honour Of Haroon Siddiqui Day
‘I hope the Government will take this report very seriously.’
You are being watched
The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways
Red Cross Logo Offends Indonesia's Moderate Muslims
They were shouting anti-Semitic slogans like 'Heil Hitler.'
Safe in Dangerous Times
Homemakin and Decoratin- Sculpture of Christ's Crucifixion in Groom Texas
Nato in Afghan ministries pullout
Stick to what you (don't) know
I Can’t Take It Anymore! When Will The Government Quit Putting Out Fraudulent Employment Statistics?
Green company gets $390M subsidies, lays off 125 Campaign 2012 Washington Examiner
Leviticus 18-20-29
Daily Read – February 26
A Few Observations
Racist to Require a Photo ID to Unclog Your Pipes-
Evil Communists, Want to Destroy Our Economy Through Inflation
It’s Race Day!
Media Skewers Santorum, Romney On Faith, What About Obama-
Liberals Hate Mormons
Want to Reduce Gasoline Prices Now-- 10 Easy Steps
The Silence of the Obama media – Tea Party Nation
The Devil’s Brigade
In Historical Context- The Ongoing and Increasing Peril of Islamic Terrorism
Budget Cuts
How’s that Obama comprehensive energy plan working out-
My movie review- “Act of Valor”
Free fire extinguisher with every purchase
+ David Chytraeus +
Nigerian Churchgoers Club Suicide Bomber to Death After His Car Bomb Fails to Kill
Gov. Mitch Daniels- “Let’s Give the President Credit for One Domestic Policy That Worked – He Wanted High Gas Prices & Got ‘Em” (Video)
Obama Official Visits Virginia Mosque to Apologize for Koran Burning
Republican Senators lose Presidential Elections
Nigeria- Boko Haram Suicide Car Bomber Attacks Church During Mass, Three Killed…
Headline of the day- Lawyer- Lesbians’ assault on gay man can’t be hate crime
Katrina, My Darling
The Secret of the Universe!
Sunday Funnies
Israel is the key to Obama’s re-election [Reader Post]
Viral Video- Citizen journalist Kira Davis offers an apology to the President of Afghanistan on behalf all Americans
The future of the Catholic Church is bright...
Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
Maryland Dem Gov. Martin O’Malley: GOP Waging “War On Unions, War On Women,” Under “Extreme Right Control”…
Pic of the Day
An open letter to the Obama campaign
Far Left Democrats Stoned By Palestinians at Mount of Olives Cemetery
Dem Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Declares All-Out War On Media Matters Over Anti-Israel Bias…