Giacomo has a very good rant at the Obamas 16th Vacation in three years.
16th Vacation in 3 Years by Giacomo over at Godfather Politics
The last time my wife and I took a vacation was seven years ago. Between the economy going in the tank and both of us being laid off due to financial downsizing, we have barely been able to avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure, let alone take a vacation.
My dad turned 90 last October and my mom is 86 and I haven’t seen them in the past seven years. Trust me, I want to, but I can’t afford to travel the 1800 miles to see them. And what hurts the most is knowing that I may not ever get the chance to see them again before they pass on. But by the looks of everything, it may be another year before I can even think of paying for a trip to see them.
And from what I’ve heard from a number of others, we’re not the only ones that haven’t been able to afford to take a vacation in the past few years. Some of my family, friends and acquaintances have lost their jobs and their homes.