Sunday, June 10, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 9. 2012


  1. George Washington’s “Earnest Prayer”

  2. Democrats join search for Obama administration intel leaks

  3. Who will protect the freedom to blog-

  4. Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally, Obamacare, HHS Mandate Chicago Rally for Religious Freedom

  5. Report- 70 House Members to Call on DOJ to Investigate SWATting of Conservative Bloggers

  6. Archbishop- Obama 'Picked Fight' With Church

  7. Ben Smith Concedes Obama's New Party Involvement; Will He Pursue or Play Down-

  8. Work-Related Of The Day

  9. It’s Only Okay For Liberal Whites To Say “Niggaz”

  10. Open house

  11. “You’re not special”

  12. “only in America”

  13. Emperor Nero's Gay Weddings

  14. Breitbart Awards and rethinking my blog con phobia

  15. Gone to look for America

  16. Elizabeth Warren dodges questions at Netroots Nation – security guards block me

  17. Mr. Speaker…File Contempt Charges…NOW!

  18. Daily Read – June 9

  19. Bobby Jindal- Obama Is “Most Liberal, Most Incompetent” President Since Carter”

  20. Hillary Clinton Says (Obama) Deficit Sends Message of Weakness

  21. Conservatives Celebrate Heritage, Franklin Center Breitbart Awards in Providence, Rhode Island

  22. At Netroots Elizabeth Warren Asked: “Do You Consider Yourself a Role Model to Women of Color” (Video)

  23. Relationships Healed

  24. Foxes lead investigation of chicken-house raids

  25. Does God really send Angels to minster to us- a Report of one such from Robert Blackburn

  26. Reuters Poll- Americans Oppose Bloomberg’s Big Gulp Ban By Huge 64% To 36% Margin…

  27. No Joke: Elizabeth Warren Hits Academia For Lack of Diversity…

  28. Former Dem Gov. Ed Rendell: Obama Takes Himself Too Seriously, Not Sure If He Will Win Reelection…

  29. Romney Continues To Tee-Off On Obama’s “Doing Fine” Comment, Will “Go Down In History” As “Extraordinary Miscalculation”

  30. Question: What Do Oil Lobbyists, Garbage Men, Bus Drivers And Janitors All Have In Common? Answer: The Obama Admin Counts Them As “Green Jobs”…

  31. Vote or Shut Up!
  32. Your Blog Day of Silence
  33. *VIDEO* Ever Wonder Who Invented Rap Music? Well, Wonder No More
  34. Brett Kimberlin makes the front page of Yahoo news...
  35. Silent Like A Carpet Bombing
  36. Luka Magnotta Now A Suspect In Donner Party Incident
  37. Nancy Pelosi- Obamacare is a right
  38. Joe Biden's weekend adventures cost one million dollars annually-

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