Monday, June 25, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 24, 2012


  1. Obamacare Ruling Could Help Romney Draw Conservative Voters

  2. Catholic Bishops Begin National Campaign for Religious Liberty

  3. Time For Super PACs to Tell the Truth About Fast & Furious

  4. Ecclesiastes 2:10-14

  5. Daily Read – June 24

  6. Issues

  7. Axelrod: Obama win will ‘liberate’ Republicans to work with president

  8. Not that we needed another reason to dislike Yoko Ono...

  9. Get Us Out Of The U.N. Now

  10. World's Ugliest Dog Competition

  11. Today In Nothing To Do With Islam: Muslim Preacher Threatens To Kill Daughter For Refusing Arranged Marriage

  12. Mark Steyn: Obama’s Great American Novel

  13. Harper wisely avoids Euro money pit

  14. Arab Spring Fail: Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Mursi has been declared the winner of Egypt's presidential election

  15. Global warming nuts want you to give up your air conditioning...

  16. ‘The Rise of New-Variant Liberal Totalitarianism….’

  17. Do only those criticizing Republican presidents have absolute moral authority?

  18. Small book, big box

  19. Robert Ricciardelli: You Cannot Turn Off the Light

  20. On Political Compromise

  21. Lie Down with the Idiotic Idea of a "Homeland Security" Department ...

  22. Scott Walker as the Honey Badger

  23. Chicago violence in two tweets

  24. Probably wasn’t a good idea to use the “O” logo

  25. The Preppy Killer video reenactment

  26. 53 years ago today, June 24, 1959

  27. Jim Rogers: European Bailouts May Lead to Another World War

  28. Why would this be outrageous??

  29. Glory is Filling the House!

  30. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  31. Progressives and their hate

  32. You Can’t Spell Hipwort Without WPHT

  33. Filing This Lawsuit Takes A Lot Of Balls

  34. Hatchet Man

  35. DaleyGator DaleyThought- Vice-President of Diversity? WTF?

  36. Dear Sarah Brady…..

  37. Two new Milton Wolf videos up!

  38. Of miscreant Leftists and their nefarious deeds

  39. Of Miscreant Leftists and Their Nefarious Deeds part 2 Never trust a pretty face

  40. Rep. Trey Gowdy Doubles Down: Says Pelosi Needs to See Mental Health Professional (Video)

  41. New Hampshire Town Tells Obama Campaign to Pay For Their Own Security

  42. Maxine Waters Visits Colorado, Tells Tea Party: “Let’s Get It On!”

  43. Jarrett: White House Is Bracing for Obamacare Verdict This Week

  44. Third Day Straight: Mitt the Viking Romney 48%, Preezy Hussein Obama 43%

  45. White Like Me: Meet Michelle Obama’s Great-Great-Great Ancestors

  46. Egypt’s Secular Parties Condemn Obama Admin For Supporting Muslim Brotherhood Candidate…