This is one of those articles you read and feel like a sledgehammer hit ya in the head. Well, at least with me anyways. Lord, please help me to do right.
OF Kings and Kingdoms - a Prophetic Perspective by Gene over at Gene-A Prophet
This morning as I was meditating on some events of the last few days the Lord said,
"What you are seeing in your spirit is the manifestation of the kingdoms to which people have subjected themselves."
As Christians we all believe we are part of the Kingdom of God and are subjects. That at one level may be true, at least in confession. Yet, there are good people who call themselves Christ Followers who are of another kingdom. Paul the apostle called it another gospel preached of another kingdom:But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! Galatians 1:8
I have heard this preached about in many iterations. Mostly having to do with faith, works and salvation. That is true..but there is more. Much more. Jesus identified the Gospel to be taught as the Gospel of the Kingdom:
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14The hair splitters that define denominational differentiation as "Another Gospel" are mislead and are misleading. The gospel according to Jesus and according to Paul is the Gospel of the Kingdom.