Holder in Criminal Contempt of Congress; 17 Dems Support
Congressional Black Caucus Walks out on Contempt Vote
Cantor: Vote to Repeal Obamacare July 11
Romney's statement...
Holder Laughs at Contempt Vote while Terry Family Still in Pain
Obamacare: 'Things are now up for Grabs'
Gingrich: Obamacare 'Defining Issue of Fall Campaign'
Dick Morris: Court Ruling Hurts Obama Helps Romney
Fight To REPEAL!
Daily Read – June 29
CBC Plans Holder Walk-Out: Who Will Care?
Tweet Of The Day
Screenshot Of The Day
Work-Related Of The Day
Why the President lost with the Obamacare ruling: The voters will have their say in November
The Democrats Now Own Obamacare
Thank You Mr. Government! Your tax dollars used to promote the killing of Cdn. troops
Did ObamaCare Just Hand Romney Victory?
Powered by Hate: Racist Content from Dreams from My Father
Holder Found in Contempt After Dems Walk Out of Vote
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Obamacare Decision
Demo Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton: “The gun lobby is directly responsible... for the tragic death of a border agent.
Liberals freak out on twitter after Palin tweets "Obama lies; freedom dies"
While We Were Sleeping
Birth of U.S.S.A.
Supreme Court ruling: rebirth of tea party
Supreme Court
The Lamb
Has the Supreme Court Opened Pandora’s Box With Individual Mandate Ruling?
Obama panic: 'I will be outspent'
It could happen anywhere, but it happened there again
The Obamacare ruling from a marketer’s perspective
We still need a wave
Funny how that new judicial restraint works
I can see this bumper sticker from the steps of the Supreme Court
End of Term 2
It's the will, stupid!
Fulton Sheen is now Venerable
Clear Thinking
This is what a Liberal Law Professor thinks of today's SCOTUS ruling: ...
Free Healthcare
The Top Five Reasons Why John Roberts’ Decision in the Obamacare Case May Not Be All Bad,
Never Alone!
Americans React to Justice Roberts' ObamaCare Ruling . . .
Weekend Caption Contest
Speaking Of Taxes…
Get Ready America For Your Obamacare-Tax Penalty – Over $2,085 a Year
Top Lawyer Arguing Against Obamacare Says Democrats Committed “Major Fraud” By Not Honestly Representing Obamacare As a Massive New Tax (Video)
Michele Bachmann: It Only Takes 50 Plus One Senators to Repeal Obamacare (Video)
St. Louis Tea Party Holds Freedom Rally Following SCOTUS Obamacare Ruling
WALL STREET INSIDER: ” Liberté, égalité, fraternité “
What That Second Vote Yesterday Against Holder Means – Take Him To Court
OBAMACARE – “Just Another Tax”
Obamacare Lie Caught On Tape
BREAKING: Issa May Have Just Cornered Eric Holder On Fast and Furious Cover-Up
Dem Senator Claire McCaskill “Hiding” From Reporters After Obamacare Decision…
White House Official Admits GOP Has An Effective Weapon To Hammer Them After Obamacare Mandate Ruled A Tax: “I’m Sure It Will Work”…
Former CBO Director: SCOTUS Ruling Could Increase Cost of Obamacare By $500 Billion Over 10 Years…
Allen West: Nancy Pelosi Is “Delusional”…
After DNC Chief Declared Term “Obamacare” A “Disparaging Reference To The President” On House Floor, Obama Campaign Now Fully Embracing Word…
White House Spokesman Insists: Obamacare Mandate Not A Tax, It’s A “Penalty”…
Mother Of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Calls CBC-Led Dem Walkout On Contempt Vote A “Disgrace”…
Romney Endorsement Of The Day: Anti-Obama Signs Calling For “Early Election In America” Seen Among Syrians Protesting Against Assad Regime…