Saturday, June 30, 2012

When Are They Going To Gag Her?


I don’t know about anyone else but I sure wish they would gag Nancy Pelosi. I am getting tired of hearing her. There are times this woman talks about nothing that has nothing to do with nothing. She doesn’t make sense to me. She has called people nasty names. There are times she seems soulless to me when she talks about her Catholic Faith. She was disrespectful walking out from the contempt vote with the rest of the Democrats.


    1. Pelosi Trashes the Uninsured: 'Free Riders'

    2. Pelosi: Senator Kennedy 'Can Now Rest In Peace'

    3. Pelosi: GOP 'Exploiting Very Unfortunate Circumstance'

    4. Nancy Pelosi Butchers Brian Terry's Name

    5. Pelosi: Calling Obamacare a Tax Is Just “Washington Talk” That Americans Don’t Really Care Much About (Video)

    6. Pelosi: Calling Obamacare A “Tax” After SCOTUS Ruling Is Just Washington Talk That Americans Don’t Care About…

    7. Pelosi Still Invoking Ted Kennedy After Obamacare Ruling…