Sunday, June 24, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (6-23-2012)






    1. Obama Campaign: Tell Your Wedding Guests to Send Us Money

    2. Obama: U.S. Needs 'Bottom-Up Economics'

    3. Fundraising Frontiers for Obama 2012

    4. Obama: Not enough white support to win

    5. Obama,the bride at every wedding

    6. Thanks To The Media, We STILL Don’t Know Who Obama Is

    7. Obama’s counterfeit concept: US president’s fake-work make-work jobs scheme a real bust for taxpayers

    8. We Pledge Our Love To Moocher & The Choom Head

    9. President Obama: Need some "some bottom-up economics."

    10. Shameful: Forks confiscated from Hispanics before Obama spoke at NALEO conference

    11. Obama to differentiate himself from juvenile behavior of his (gay activist) guests?

    12. Epic fail! Obama's terrible presidency

    13. Is Obama 'obsessed' with being black?

    14. Confiscated: Obama Afraid Latinos Will Attack Him With Forks At Luncheon (Video)

    15. Oops! Down He Goes – Obama Trips in Tampa (Video)

    16. Barack Obama’s Voter ID Hypocrisy

    17. Obama White House Attempts Middle Finger Damage Control…

    18. Obama Campaign To Volunteers: “Be Scrappy” And Make Phone Calls From The Parking Lot After Your Phone Bank Closes…

    19. Obama Gives Major Gay Hollywood Supporter Royal White House Treatment…

    20. Not News: Obama ran away with Sacramento County Democratic primary — News: Out of 85,000 voters, 8,000 left their ballots blank, 5,300 scribbled a write-in candidate

    21. Weekly Address: “My Administration is doing its part. . . It’s up to the House . . . to put aside partisan posturing, end the gridlock, and do what’s right for the American people”

    22. Pic: President Obama Channels Mr. Ed