The Obama Vulnerability Cycle
Obama Politicizes Student Loans
Obama Punishes Legal Immigrants
Obama and the Kingdom of the Concrete Skull
Obama stumbles
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Obama continues attack on Chamber of Commerce
Obama taps overseas donor pool
Obama’s Muslim World Fantasy: Early Hopes Undermined by Drone War
Obama’s legal tactics seen as possibly hurting chances to save health-care law
So you won’t be punished with a baby (or an STD)
All your gifts are belong to us!
All your gifts are belong to us! — part 2
Racist Obama Campaign Requiring Photo ID's
Obama jacked up Obamacare spending after SCOTUS arguments
King Obama
Imperial Presidency
Barack Obama & the problem of (contemporary) American liberalism
Obama wants your birthday presents
FAIL… Obama Administration Blew $200 Million On Egyptian Elections to Watch Islamists Win Parliament and the Presidency
Obama Braces For Supreme Court Slap Down
Obama Campaign Reveals Real Reason They Oppose Voter ID Laws
Barack Obama’s Executive Privilege – “Follow the Money”
The Emperor’s Mistimed Misdirections
Racists! Obama Campaign Demands Supporters Show Photo IDs…