Saturday, June 30, 2012

Democrats Show Disrespect For the Dead Of Fast And Furious


I agree with what Kent Terry said. The Democrats rather protect their own then see justice done.

Exclusive -- Border Patrol Agent's Brother Kent Terry, Jr Reacts to CBC Walkout by Mary Chastain over at Big Government


While Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress, it was a bittersweet day for the family of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The disrespect the Democrats showed Agent Terry was appalling, including the Congressional Black Caucus walking out on the contempt vote.

Agent Terry's brother Kent responded to the walkout in a grieved email:

Very sad that our childish Government walks out. What kind of respect? Does that tell you they're for getting justice for Brian and [Jaime] Zapata and any law enforcement that dies in the line of duty? This is the respect they get.

The families of Agent Terry and the 300+ dead Mexicans deserve justice, and it is telling that members of Congress are more interested in protecting one of the most powerful, sheltered men in the country rather than pursuing that justice.