What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9
The above verse is true. We all know it is true but isn’t something we thing about every day until the proverbial 2 by 4 hits us in the head. Basically the only thing that changes are people and the time period. I want to talk about something I observed this week about this.
This week I had read Ezra 4. this chapter tells of people coming against the Israelites, who were rebuilding God’s Temple. (Cyrus the King gave them permission to.) The Israelites had a struggle for a while with getting the temple built. There were people that lied about them, saying they were rabble rousers, trying to get a decree to make them stop building.
What made reading Ezra 4 interesting, it reminded me of what is happening now. Obama suing the states over illegal immigration laws. Obama coming against voter ID laws, saying it is racist to ask for ID. The governor of a state tries to do what is right for the people, who lives in their state and they get harassed. The good old Obama realm trying to stop a person from doing right for the people and trying to take people’s freedoms.
What happened in Ezra’s time is similar to what is happening now. The people names, the situations, and time period are different.
On another note, I read Ezra 6. The harassers get punished. I believe our harassers will be punished for what they do and they probably will feel very thankful we don’t impale people any more. Well, sorry, I forgot Islam still impales.