Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 24, 2012


  1. Sebelius- We’ll Find Other Ways To Force People To Buy Health Insurance If Obamacare’s Individual Mandate To Strike Down By Supreme Court

  2. Establishment Apologists Join Progressives In Attacking The Tea Party

  3. Brace Yourself for the Anti-Mormon Slime Machine

  4. 2007- Mitt Romney said Hezbollah-style healthcare would be good for America

  5. Read the Complete File that McCain Used to Attack Romney

  6. Newt Gingrich has been warning about the threat of global jihad since the ’90′s

  7. Gingrich Ethics Charges- CNN Report – Complete Vindication – John Lewis Claim of “Massive Tax Fraud” a Fraud Video

  8. One more sign that Obama is helping Gingrich

  9. Gingrich v. Leftism

  10. There’s Something About Mitt

  11. Liberal Lunacy

  12. Justice Will Be Served

  13. WALL STREET INSIDER-  “California”

  14. The Evil Thereof


  16. GOP Congressman to boycott State of the Union

  17. Shameful- Google Pimping Obama SOTU Address On Main Search Page

  18. Heroes- SCOTUS Unanimously rules police can't put GPS device on your car without warrant

  19. Nanny State Fail- Government stops eviction of 101-year-old woman for nonpayment, then declares

  20. Buffett Railroad Among Winners From Keystone Denial

  21. Conservative Of The Day 

  22. Media- Third Party Rule Challenged

  23. ‘..Yes, we do have a problem with racism

  24. Why isn’t it legal to tar and feather academic wankers-

  25. Well boo  hoo hoo

  26. A significant loss of direction and purpose

  27. Newt Gingrich- It Was Wrong for Debate Moderators to ‘Kill Free Speech’ & Silence Debate Audience

  28. #Occupy Criminal Movement Releases Screwball Revolution Anthem (Video)

  29. 7 of 10 worst American cities to find a job in California

  30. Bruins Hero Goalie Tim Thomas Declines Trip to White House – Doesn’t Like Obama

  31. So, making silly arguments is now a form of “bullying”-

  32. 2012 – An Unconventional Year - Prophetic Insights By the Holy Spirit through Mary Lindow

  33. So should I take this seriously-

  34. The Truth About Newt Gingrich and His Ethics “Fines”

  35. Danish police- Immigrant criminals target Danes to make them move out of the (Muslim) area

  36. What's wrong with this picture

  37. Lefty Actor Robert Redford Says Elitist Sundance Film Festival Is For The “99 Percent” Despite Plethora of Corporate Sponsors

  38. OIC- France Adopting Armenian Genocide Law A “Sign of Islamophobia”…

  39. Progressive clergy shocked at #OWS’ lack of respect for private property (UPDATED)

  40. Old Habits Broken!  [Tuesday, January 24, 2012]

  41. Jennifer Rubin Has No Idea What Mainstream America Thinks

  42. This IS the REAL truth

  43. Secret Blog

  44. Sinners obsessed with an angry God

  45. Warmist Organization “Forecast The Facts” Funded By George Soros

  46. Surprise! Obama Doesn’t Want The 2012 Election To Be About His Own Incompetence

  47. Larry Summers Economic Memo To Obama- The Stimulus Was Never About Stimulus

  48. Won’t Be “Tuning In” For More Of His Lies!

  49. Daily Read – January 24

  50. Targeting The Wrong People!

  51. Quote of the Day- Obama’s Nobel Prize

  52. Court says ‘Bite me!’ Muslim inmates do NOT have the right to halal meals in Ohio Prisons

  53. MUSLIM INTIMIDATION tactics shutting down free speech in free nations

  54. Would somebody please tell the knuckle-draggers at CAIR that ‘All-American Muslim’ is dead

  55. BIG BRASS ONES! Newt Gingrich compares Muslims to Nazis

  56. Hungary Fighting International Communism, Again

  57. A True Principled Voting Lesson for the GOP

  58. PA Governor Corbett- Crazy Or Stupid-

  59. Our Thugs Are More Brazen Than Yours

  60. Caption Contest Winners

  61. The President's 2012 State Of The Campaign Speech

  62. Florida Republican Debate 1.0

  63. Buchanan- The establishment can't take the nomination away from the primary winner

  64. Obama Will Attack Rich in State of the Union Address

  65. SOTU-  Obama’s last chance to change tone

  66. The Do-Nothing Democratic Senate-  1,000 Days Without a Budget

  67. Mark America’s State of the Union Address

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