Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On January 23, 2012


  1. Sodexo Slaps SEIU Cockroaches With RICO Suit

  2. John Kerry Shows Up At WH With Broken Nose, Black Eyes

  3. Newt the Sophist Has an Answer for Everything

  4. Re- re- Make Up Your Mind, Newt

  5. Blatant Biased Behavior by Perverted Public Persons Posing as Professionals

  6. Boeing Gets Last Laugh-

  7. At least two dead in Alabama storms

  8. More bodies found in shipwreck


  10. Republican Senator Rand Paul Detained By Obama TSA – Refuses Pat-down

  11. Ron Paul on son's detention by TSA- 'Police state' is 'growing out of control'

  12. White House defends TSA's handling of Sen. Rand Paul, quibbles over 'detained'

  13. GOP Sen hospitalized for stroke

  14. How a lax immigration policy kills

  15. Newt now tied with Romney in Florida-

  16. Zombie Voters Reported in South Carolina

  17. Can ‘Newtmentum’ Lead to a Win in Florida-

  18. Unions And Rebranded ACORN Behind Violent Occupy San Francisco Clashes With Police

  19. Rasmussen- Gingrich Takes 9-Point Lead in Florida

  20. Then let them burn

  21. ‘Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing

  22. Southern Phone

  23. Stealing New Zealand

  24. Never mind the ‘quakes–the real problem is the bureauleeches

  25. This is where the money goes, folks!

  26. The USA is a very strange  country, a very strange  country indeed

  27. Bloody Foreigners- The Untold Battle of Britain

  28. Hmmmm

  29. #Occupy St. Louis & CAIR Hold Joint Protest to Harass Shoppers Inside Lowe’s (Video)

  30. Must only the rich pay their “fair share” (of taxes)-

  31. Christie nominates gay Republican to NJ Supreme Court

  32. The masks we put on others 

  33. Don’t Know Much about Ronny R

  34. To those who deride the 112th Congress as obstructionist

  35. Blessed Economist- Prophets are Different

  36. Words that Move the Hand of God

  37. Calls renew for Mitch Daniels to enter presidential race

  38. Rep. Allen West- Yes, the president is the food stamp president

  39. Grassley- LightSquared offered me a political “win” in exchange for backing down on FCC probe

  40. Coulter Not Happy With Gingrich's South Carolina Win

  41. Flash- TSA Detains Rand Paul at Airport in Nashville

  42. The Grizzly Bear in the Room

  43. Christian canaries in an Arab coal mine

  44. Islamophobia In Canada! It is brought to our attention that the enemies of the Islamic Republic

  45. He's a travellin man

  46. How the left uses “bullying” to restrict free speech that offends them

  47. Let's Make a Miracle Happen

  48. Carney- Obama Feels There Is a “Regrettable Level of Hyper-Partisanship” From Congressional Republicans

  49. Boston Bruins Star Goalie Snubs Obama Invitation To White House For “Political Reasons”…

  50. Carney Asked If Obama Being An Alinsky Disciple Is “BS,” Says His “Background As A Community Organizer Contributed To Who He Is Today

  51. Biden- GOP “Survival of The Fittest” Idea Is “Quickest Way” To Solve Housing Crisis, They’re “Right”

  52. Rep. Allen West Praises Newt For “Standing Up To The Liberal Elite Media”…

  53. Pic Of The Day- All Aboard The Occupy Express…

  54. Pakistani Taliban Release Brutal Execution Video Showing Soldiers Handcuffed, Blindfolded And Shot In The Back Of The Head

  55. DC Elites Tell You in Their Own Words What I've Been Telling You Since November 10th

  56. The GOP Establishment in Abject Panic- They Don't Understand Their Own Base

  57. Disconsent

  58. Important stuff

  59. It’s about time- Arizona to launch investigation of Operation Fast and Furious

  60. Newt’s South Carolina victory speech

  61. Sometimes, A Screaming Jarhead Is Freaking Hilarious (Must See Video)

  62. Waffle House Robber Killed By Concealed Carry Permit Holder

  63. Amazing Look at Communism and the Secret Rise of Capitalism in Rural China

  64. Financial Encouragement  [Monday, January 23, 2012

  65. If The U.S. Government Keeps Spending Money Like This We Are Doomed And If The U.S. Government Stops Spending Money Like This We Are Doomed

  66. The state of the Union is HORRIBLE...but Obama's not to Blame

  67. Bummer- Skeptics Guilty Of “Crimes Against Humanity And Nature” 

  68. AGW Today- TV Meteorologists Are Apparently “Conspiracy Theorists”

  69. Gingrich Is A Master Of Disguise Or Something

  70. Targeting The Wrong People!

  71. 35 Reasons…er….Make That 36

  72. One More Reason To Home School!

  73. Daily Read – January 23

  74. Newt Gingrich- Obama’s Alinsky Radicalism and Media- Can Newt Win Independents-

  75. South Carolinians Say Romney NOT the Man to Beat Obama

  76. Tanks For Everything!

  77. NJ Men Arrested For A Cross Burning

  78. Keystone Fallout

  79. Welcome Home Ceremony For Nebraska National Guard

  80. Palin on Christie- “His Panties in a Wad” – Video

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